Interesting. Maybe Daddy doesn’t want Dummy around this summer because he wants to focus on getting the nomination and doesn’t need any distractions from his eldest. Or, maybe Dummy has made the decision to get as far away from Daddy as humanly possible, because he reads the same papers we do and he knows that Fani Willis plans to start indicting people in July.

But getting away from Daddy for any reason is a great idea. If Junior had made that decision some 20 years ago, he wouldn’t find himself in the mess he’s in. In all events, Australia, Florida’s loss is your gain or vice versa.

I’ve never been to Australia but I believe that they have some clause with respect to people applying for visas to go there that you need to be a person of good character and that would blow Junior right out of the box, right there.

Now this is interesting.

Here’s some wishful thinking on my part.

And here’s something new. (Psst: parody. Even Junior is not so lame as to “hunt” a turtle with an AR-15.)

But you have to admit, for a moment the tweeter had you. It’s not that implausible now, is it, that Junior would stalk a lumbering turtle and blow it to bits. Anybody got Mitch on speed dial? He might want to know about this.


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  1. He makes the mistake in believing that since Rupert Murdoch is Australian, Australians must be like Murdoch. Actually, they don’t even like him, and were glad to get rid of him: and parties in Australia that do like him are at a historical low. The largest number of RWNJs is concentrated in the USA, they don’t have the supportive environment outside the corrupted USA political scene. The current Australian government, recently voted in, by a landslide, is by US standards very leftwing, further to the left than Bernie Sanders or AOC, though, of course by world standards is centrist. The far right polls around the margin of error.

    If Dimwit Donny Jr thinks he’s headed to a country that likes him, he is about to be sorely disappointed.

  2. Someone needs to clue dingbat junior in to the fact Australians are a LOT less enamored of firearms than magats. What the hell do you shoot in Australia anyway? I was not aware there were any big game animals on that continent.

    • Wallabys and kangaroos get fairly large, at least if you compare them to deer, and are good eating. Emus are big-ass mofos, and will eff-you-up if you get sideways with them. IIRC, they and bunnies are a problem there. Like, off as many as you can, you’re just helping the ecosystem. But Jr. won’t like any rifle he can use there, although I’m sure they can get him optics.
      I still remember the pics of him when he shot some endangered feline in Nepal. He (his guide) found it sleeping and he shot from about 30 yds with optics the size of the Hubble. What a manly man!

  3. It must take enormous courage and skill to stalk a giant turtle and take him down with a gun that reduces concrete blocks to powder with a single round. Maybe DeSantis could up the ante and bring in tons of revenue by creating a game reserve in Florida, except the game wouldn’t be defenseless animals, but rather hunters stalking and bringing down each other. For those with the cahones, it would be paintball gone AR-15, with wild swamp mixed with mock urban settings, including malls and schools and plazas where cunning camo-clad shooters like Jr. could secret themselves and wait for their prey. Forget the wimpy Disney theme parks, these reserves would fill the state’s treasury, reducing the population of shooters, instead of endangered species. A MAGA-land dream vacation.

  4. Ridin that train high on cocaine…Jr. better watch your speed. Hey big guy. I have a great idea. Get in the ring with one of those buffed male kangaroos and let’s see who the real man is MATE! CRIKEY!!! Frazier…er…Jr. goes down. Jr. goes down!


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