Here I go putting a ****WARNING**** on what you’re about to see. This woman has a filthy mouth. And I am not a prude. I’ve used every swear word in a Marine’s lexicon any number of times in my life, believe me. But like most normal and sane people, I am able to construct a sentence without some conjugation of the eff word. That is why I say this woman sounds just like a character out of The Sopranos.

It plays like parody but it’s real. This creature wants to get into politics. On the GOP ticket, of course.

Man. Do you suppose that she’s getting up at town halls and the likes and doing this? I find this cringeworthy and I don’t cringe easily. But if she would seriously go on a late night talk show, they would wear out the bleep button. Her entire performance would be one long bleep.

It just goes to show you how everything in life is relative. I now find Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin to be charmingly eccentric, almost quaint.

I think I’ll go take a shower and wash off the computer screen. Sheesh.

A half hour ago I would have told you it is not possible to bottom Boebert or Greene. I stand corrected.


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  1. Yikes, she is just, ******g STUPID !!

    Language like that shows how empty headed people talk, loud, disconnected, rude and totally without merit …

    So … does this mean she’s not going to make it to the PTA meeting tomorrow night?

    Or the ******g church social lunch next Sunday ******g afternoon?

  2. Apples and oranges (obviously). I have to breathe near folks but I don’t have to have sex with them.
    Sheeze…. NO comparison.

    Hope she enjoys her upcoming ventilator or her grandmother’s funeral.

  3. ” Idiot wind, every time you move your teeth. You’re an idiot babe, it’s a wonder you still know how to breathe.” Bob Dylan

  4. None of the conditions she mentioned is airborne. All the conditions she mentioned which are at all contagious are bloodborne. Diabetes is not contagious in any way.The NYC schools (all five boroughs) are really quite good on ensuring that al staff knows what is and are blood- and airborne. I’m confident that knowledge is used to advise students on self-care. Is the a transplant? Or did she just sleep through school (oe was she this loud and disruptive so that she was kicked out?))


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