Once upon a time there was a gal named Snow White and she had seven dwarves. Then Donald Trump heard about it and decided he had to get eight goats. Or something like that. There is no low they won’t go and there is no scam he won’t try. Donald Trump is still saving a fortune in taxes by raising goats and growing hay to feed them. What’s that you say? When did he get a soft spot for goats? He couldn’t care less about goats or any animal, mineral, or vegetable. It’s a tax scam. As long as it saves him money and he can chortle at the end of the day about having put one over on the IRS, the taxpayers, anybody you can name, he’s happy. He lives to cheat. He enjoys tax evasion more than golf and well he should, that’s the only reason he’s got any money left at this point, is his unremittent tax evasion. Huffington Post:

A HuffPost analysis of the taxes paid by the various tracts that make up Trump National Golf Club Bedminster shows that Trump is paying $88,067 less in property taxes in 2019 than he would have had those acres been taxed at the average rate of the land in the remainder of the golf resort.

“Looks like Trump is fleecing taxpayers yet again,” said Robert Weissman, president of the liberal watchdog group Public Citizen. “What’s now become very clear is that a very substantial portion of the Trump fortune is due to tax evasion, including his evasion of taxes on his daddy’s wealth.”

The New York Times reported extensively last year on the techniques Trump used to avoid paying taxes on the eight-figure fortune he inherited from his father, which has served as the basis of his wealth for the decades since.

This was discovered back in 2019 and it’s still going on. Interesting to stroll down memory lane from time to time and see what has changed. If you’re talking about Trump and grifting, not much. Not much.

The goat revelation was part of the documentation that Mary Trump gave to the New York Times.

I’m surprised that the religious wingnuts haven’t picked up on this yet. This is right up their alley. Trump, the simple man of God, the shepherd, I mean goatherd. The symbolic connection I see is that the goat is a horned and hooved creature and Satan is half man, half goat. Put in that context, this is starting to make some sense.

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  1. I have a question. In the picture, which one is Trump? If he’s raising goats, I guarantee he’s never been to the farm, unless it’s connected to a golf course. Then he would take any sap that’s dumb enough to golf with him by for a tour and selfie.
    Cool that you got one out. Hope for many more!

  2. Until he is in jail, the LAW is a hypocritical, EVIL perpetrated on the 95% it terrorizes, taxes, & indiscriminately kills if u are the wrong shade. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a fool, or YOU benefit from this ongoing injustice. My guess is u may be a lawyer since the law schools teach NO ethics that seem to stick. Example? Ted Cruz a Harvard law grad. The rapist now sitting for life on the Supreme Court put there by a rapist. Oh, & upholding criminalizing the victims for not wanting a lifetime of responsibility for the rapist’s child. All nice & phucking legal. Right. America. Land of shallow, evil, pampered fools heading into oblivion with our collective heads UP our collective asses. Hey attorney’s. How does a man kill 670,000 plus Americans in one & 1/2 years & be playing fucking golf as I type??? Hey America. FUCK U FOR LETTING SERIAL KILLERS RUN LOOSE. OUR CHILDREN ARE NEXT.

      • Hypocrite. Everyone here posts ‘rants’. Mine are true. And we all know some people don’t like hearing it. Where is ur ‘arguments’ that what I’ve posted is not true. Careful, u are sliding into the snowflakes who only want to sit in an echo chamber. Is that what this is? A coffee clutch of sheep? Ever serve in the military & PUT UR OWN BUTT ON THE LINE? Doubt it. Another computer warrior.

        • Um, care to tell us who else’s rants are UNTRUE? You may not have intended it but you basically said everyone else who “rants” on here is lying.

          You might want to remember that the law (which you so obviously despise) is not perfect and NO ONE ever said it was. True–it COULD work better as the *perfect* notion of the law is that everyone is equal under the law. But even the most perfect of societies have failed under that ideal (consider how living, breathing children have fewer legal rights than unborn fetuses in certain states today but, historically, children were considered nothing more than property until they came of “legal age” and, to some extent, they still are).
          But P J’s main complaint is that you’re being overly antagonistic here–to a community that *should* be amenable to your comments. In a perfect society, where the law works for everyone equally, the prime directive (so to speak) would be that “everyone is innocent until PROVEN guilty” but in your comment, you state outright that Trump should be in jail (despite not actually facing any criminal charges) and you also state outright that law schools don’t teach ethics “that seem to stick” (that’s known as an “opinion” and is not generally considered “evidence”). So you believe that Ted Cruz is unethical; take it to whatever bar association is responsible for his being licensed. If you don’t do that, then I’d have to question your own ethical judgment as most state bar associations will take complaints from ANYONE regarding the ethical behaviors of any attorneys licensed by them; of course, the complaints must also lay out and describe actual actionable information rather than just generalizations and outlandish claims. (It’s also worth noting that LEGAL ethics are held to a slightly different level than standard ethics. Philosophy may see stealing to feed your family as a far different matter than stealing for personal gain but the law is obligated to treat the two as the same crime–that’s why the law tends to have “degrees” when it comes to crimes.)

          And when you mention “serial killers,” just bear in mind that the term is often used by anti-abortion folks to describe doctors who practice abortions. You and I may believe that a woman should have the right to abort an unwanted fetus (especially if nature doesn’t take care of the job itself) but there are people who believe that the fetus is a child and it should take priority over the woman’s wants or health (though I’d like for these folks to explain how the fetus’s health should take priority over the woman’s health if the woman should develop a condition during the course of the pregnancy where she could die if she carries to term).

          As for your “ever serve in the military” bit, that’s a straw man here. This country does NOT require military service of anyone for a person to express an opinion or make an argument. (We also have NO way to know who did and who did not serve in the military. For all I know, you’re nothing but another computer warrior–a URL badman as Lily Allen termed it–hiding behind a bunch of angry words and attacking others for daring to complain about your heated comments.)

          But, to get back to your “everyone here” bit, yes, many of us do post rants. But most of us tend to be a little less, well, “incendiary” in our rants. Your rants tend to be more “bug bomb” than “fly swatter.”

          And, by the way, it’s “coffee klatch” (more properly, “klatsch” but sometimes, “clatch”), not “coffee clutch.” And attacking the site’s visitors as “sheep”–no matter how figuratively–is certainly not going to endear you to many people, especially THE SITE’S HOSTS. Remember that you are a guest here (as are pretty much all of us). How would you react if someone you invited into your home started ranting and raving about the evils of the law and how so-and-so’s a rapist and should be in jail? Not engaging in a relatively civil discourse but just coming in shouting and screaming at anyone who disagreed with him? I can’t imagine you’d let that person hang around very long.

  3. Nice rationalization for an institution that has pillaged the planet, murdered tens of millions, stolen all land indigenous people once lived on, enslaved millions more, LEGALLY killed millions & so on. No joe I didn’t call out anything but timidity & hypocrisy. Oh, & I have discharge papers with the word honorable in them. Thanks for the spelling lesson & the veiled threats proving my point. When u post half of the stuff here in caps, it appears as ranting. Given our present circumstances, ranting seems in order. U rant against organized religion all the time
    If u were black in the south, the church was & is a place that gave refuge & hope. Oh, & I heard many piles of evidence, including my eyes & ears to know Trump is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING THIS VIRUS LOOSE UPON US, & HAS DONE EVERYTHING TO HELP IT SPREAD WITHOUT REMORSE. Anyone who kills 670 000 & COUNTING…what DO YOU call them? Oh that’s right innocent. Technicalities…to let the rich run free…that the LAW. This isn’t ur home. If it is, I pity you. Guess ‘free speech’, like the word ‘justice’ isn’t high priority here. I didn’t realize this is a site dedicated to stroking ur egos rather than fanning the flames of resistance. My mistake. I didn’t like high school the first time around. This is what I get for messing with the popular kids. Of course you are in danger of being as narrow minded as the ‘religious’ folk. Maybe if the Germans ranted a bit more, they wouldn’t have slid into fascism. Guess the polite people told them to shut up as u are telling me. Appreciate the clarity.

  4. I come here to get away from the pie fights at other sites, and here it is showing up. Comments don’t require folks to defend their honor. I long for emotional maturity. Of course, if I’m looking for it on a political blog, that’s my own problem.


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