California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsome is poking the bear, Ron DeSantis, running this ad in Florida this weekend encouraging Floridians to come on over to California where the freedom is fine…


“Gov. Gavin Newsom Fires Up Democrats And Mobilizes A Fight Against Ron DeSantis In New Ad…

… Newsom’s strategy is a good one. It does no good for the California governor to run ads in his home state or other blue areas of the country, but Democrats in red areas often feel angry, outnumbered, and beleaguered. The Democratic Party has undersupported them for decades.

Gavin Newsom is laying the groundwork for a future presidential run in 2024 or 2028, but he is also a voice telling Democrats that they don’t have to sit back and take this.

Democrats don’t have to wait until November to fight back with their votes. They can mobilize right now and make their voices heard, as the choice for the American people is increasingly becoming one of freedom or oppression.”

“It’s Independence day so let’s talk about what’s going on with America freedom it’s under attack in your state. Republican leaders they’re banning books, making it harder to vote restricting speech in classrooms even criminalizing women and doctors I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight or join us in California where we still believe in freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to choose freedom from hate and the freedom to love don’t let them take your freedom.”

Great idea tempting Florida voters to abscond to relatively temperate California also when it’s 102 degrees and 85% humidity in the Sunshine State.

Good to see a Democrat taking the fight to the fascist in Florida, though perhaps those blue voters would be more valuable where they are.

I haven’t given up on turning Florida blue again, after all Obama won it twice, with the right candidate we can take it back.

Perhaps Newsome thinks so too.

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  1. Newsom is wanting to run for president again. I don’t even want him as governor – he talks the right things, but he doesn’t *do* them. Back in 2019, there was a bill in the legislature that would have codified environmental regs just because everyone else could see the former guy’s desire to kill EPA. Newsom veto’d it, over the objections of just about every D in the state. And now…we really needed it made law THEN.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong but if the dems in FL take Governor Newsom’s advice to heart, wouldn’t that leave only a bunch of dicks in FL? FL is already shaped like a dick and contains more than its fair share of dicks. Why leave it with only dicks?

  3. Newsom is the only one fighting the next Trump (DeSantis)…

    I am totally down for him or anyone else willing to slap these multiplying Trump like fools down!!!

    Newsom for prez 2024!!!


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