What does the Governor of Texas have in common with a pardoned felon? Exactly the same racist, attention seeking, grifting mind set, apparently. Greg Abbott is not the least bit concerned if Texans have the necessaries of life, as provided for and protected by the power grid, but he is yuugely concerned about taking up where Steve Bannon left off and building a wall on the southern border. That’s his top priority. Texas Tribune:

At least in Arizona, border security means something sane and not a ridiculous, overpriced wall that people can tunnel under or climb over with a ladder.

See this for precisely what it is: it is story fodder for Fox News and a right-wing talking point. Abbott couldn’t care less about the wall, but if he has something else to talk about to deflect from his own incompetence, as the first of many heat waves bears down on the Lone Star State while the world watches him do nothing, that’s the direction he’s going to scurry.


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  1. He needs to crowdfund de-icing devices to keep their power grid supplied with fuel in the winter.
    Or maybe more generation capacity so people can turn their aircon below 78 degrees.

    • You forgot an option: Reconnect the state to the country’s main power grid system. I seem to recall energy experts suggesting that if Texas had just been attached to the main power grid, the blizzard’s effects would’ve been far less severe (not completely eliminated, mind you, but lessened so that people wouldn’t have been as likely to, you know, die).

  2. It would really be nice if the usual suspects in the right-wing world who decry the use of “eminent domain” would speak out a lot more here. Since Texas has absolutely ZERO actual land borders* with Mexico, every single square inch of Abbott’s Folly–I mean, Wall–will HAVE to steal land from PRIVATE CITIZEN LAND OWNERS (under the guise of “eminent domain”) in order to be built.
    Additionally, since the border between Texas and Mexico is INTERNATIONAL, it’s undoubtedly going to end up before the Supreme Court since *states* cannot constitutionally do anything involving international borders (either that or Abbott’s Folly will have to be built some distance away from the Rio Grande).

    *At least, technically. Due to water usage of the Rio Grande (especially in New Mexico), the river’s stopped flowing beyond a trickle over the past 20 years from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico. And climate change has been pretty much behind that. Just imagine: If the GOPers hadn’t been so hellbent in preventing efforts to correct, or at least minimize, the effects of climate change over the past 30 years, the Rio Grande would flow normally and there’d be a good amount of water to deter (if not completely stop) all those “illegal immigrants” from crossing the Texas border.

  3. abbot is running for president, trying to follow the trump model of trying to be cruel to as many poor people and people of color as possible. not that I am a fan but bush II ran as a centrist, supported immigration, education, bush II supported in state tuition for undocumented children. Now it is 10 minutes of hate every day on the republican channel with abbott leading the way.


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