You remember the old expression, “A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once?” The corollary to that is Donald Trump and it goes something like, “The real man only loses an election once, the fool loses the same election over and over and over.”

Trumpty Dumpty cannot get over the fact that he lost the 2020 election. That is a small exacerbation of his already considerable mental problems, but it is a major exacerbation of our political ones, as a nation.

Trump intends to make the 2020 Big Lie the GOP platform for 2022 and his personal platform in 2024 — unless he doesn’t run, which is a possibility. Watch.

He’s never read a book in his life but he’s going to write one. I don’t think Tony Schwartz will make himself available to ghost write this opus.

Here are some pictures. If it’s a Trump book, right, it’s got to have lots a pictures. Lots and lots a.

What’s that you say? He already did a picture book with footage stolen from the White House photographer? Watch. He’ll do another one and those pictures will be of the zoo in Maricopa County, Fulton County, and all other places where the vote was ridiculously challenged.

The first chapter will be “Unfair!” and the second one will be “Witchhunt!” and the third will be “Rigged!” You get the idea.

As to genre, science fiction and fantasy would be a good one, seeing as how there were spy satellites bouncing signals off the moon and then translating them into packet captures and sending them to pillow manufacturers in Minnesota.

Even Carl Rove said it would “take a conspiracy of James Bondian proportions” and definitely involve more people than the NASA fake moon landing conspiracy would have to steal the election, so clearly, speculative fiction is the genre for Trump’s book.

And Mexico will pay to publish it, don’t forget about that.


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  1. Shelley springs to mind here:

    “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


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