Giuliani In Full Melt Down; “Truth Isn’t Truth” … Todd Near Collapses.


It is Sunday morning, and that means another episode of “what the fk is Giuliani going to say or do today that leads us to lose faith in humanity and/or our position relative to space and time?”

Yes, yet again Rudy Giuliani went on Meet the Press, still the most relevant Sunday news show. Yes, once again Chuck Todd did a decent job in confronting Rudy with common sense, very basic questioning, and once again, Rudy simply goes clairvoyant, shape-shifting, inter-dimensional, word machine, answering in English, yet not in any way we have heard English used before.

This was special, Rudy was fancy. 

We have some of the play by play (because “transcript” would imply that these words had the same meaning they do in this dimension and this version of reality, and clearly Rudy isn’t bound to our shared view of space and time), via Raw Story:

Here we go, first, clear your mind of all you have ever known about discourse and logic, prepare for leaps into the unknown:

“Yes,” the president’s lawyer insisted. “What I have to tell you is, look, I am not going to be rushed into having him testify so he gets trapped into perjury. When you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he is going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, that’s silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth.”

“Truth is truth,” Todd pointed out.

“No, it isn’t truth. Truth isn’t truth,” Giuliani replied.

“Truth is a truth, Mr. Mayor,” Todd insisted. “This is going to become a bad meme.”

“Don’t do this to me!” Giuliani demanded, mocking Todd’s facial expression.

“Don’t do ‘truth isn’t truth’ to me,” Todd fired back.

Okay, bring yourself back down, it’s me again – you’re safe. We’re back in the current space/time, where up is up and down is the direction all meaningful expectations of this administration goes.

Back to a serious point for a second. Loyal readers of this column know that I have written dozens of times that – as Charlie Sykes, the conservative commentator who remains wholly antagonistic to Trump stated so well –  the point of propaganda is not to get you to believe a certain set of facts or truth, the point of propaganda is to throw out so much crap that it forces you to give up on the idea that the truth even exists, that truth is knowable. Propaganda – done properly – leads the person who feels “sophisticated” to see everyone as having an “agenda” and therefore, you can’t believe any source. The New York Times is the equivalent of a story on Breitbart, because “truth isn’t truth.” Or, as Rudy implies, “SOMEONE’s truth isn’t truth” – meaning it all depends upon who says it.

It is happening before our very eyes. This is the most pure, most obvious, symptom of Russian interference, because the Russians have 80 years of studying propaganda and its effect on its people. Putin is relatively popular in Russia, Russians believe they have a democracy, too. They believe what they are told from their State TV.

Those same techniques are now happening here. Do not think it is an accident that KellyAnne Conway will talk about “alternative facts” without self-immolating, and Giuliani will argue with Chuck Todd that “truth isn’t truth” it is “someone’s truth.” No, it is not a coincidence or accident. They are being coached in the means of effective propaganda. You have to see it for what it is, and reject it fully.

Truth IS truth – still, even now, even with Donald Trump as president, Truth IS Truth. One plus one equals two, and it doesn’t matter who did the addition. Trump will not speak to Mueller because the truth is that the facts aligned against Trump are highly damaging, and are the truth.

The video cannot be transferred over, probably wants to stay within this dimension, but it is here, and I found it on later and added it to the bottom of the column. Enjoy – sort of.

Twitter, Great Weekend. Puppy is doing better after vicious snake bite, he is going to be fine, chasing birds again this morning. We’re also talking water issues in Nevada, and other interesting things; @MiciakZoom, please follow, #FBR, #Resistance



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