If you haven’t seen this going around the internet, you will. Ron Johnson, the stupidest senator (although Tommy Tuberville is giving him a run for the money) made a comment today that “windmills are killing whales.” Whut? Hey, this is RoJo we’re talking about. He not only marches to a different drummer, the drums he hears pound out rhythms nobody else has ever heard before.

How are the windmills killing the whales? Cancer, I guess. Don’t ask me, write Senator Johnson, he’s been talking to Neptune, either the god of the sea or maybe he’s getting messages from the planet, and that’s where he got the information.

Evidently what’s bothering Johnson is that a spate of whale deaths in the northeast have caused concerns that maybe sonic mapping of the ocean or windmill farming might be responsible. Naturally, this was picked up on by Fox News and is the new conspiracy theory du jour and so of course Johnson is going to be spouting it. Fox News is food for the level of intellect he’s got. CNN:

Laws also said speculation that the sonar equipment wind companies use to map the ocean floor could have fatally harmed the whales has also not been proven. Officials noted the New Jersey wind energy project is prohibited from using levels of sonar so loud they could be fatal to whales or other marine life.

“There is no information that would support any suggestion that any of the equipment that’s being used in support of wind development for the site characterization surveys could directly lead to the death of a whale,” Laws said.

As the anti-wind energy rhetoric heats up, scientists and US officials are trying to figure out what actually killed those nine whales. The New York and New Jersey coast is an area where more whales have been swimming in recent decades, officials said, as their food source has rebounded.

In addition to being the site of a future wind farm, the region is also a major shipping corridor.

It’s a major shipping corridor and so whales get struck or they get caught up in nets, that kind of thing. Depend on RoJo to spew nonsense and conspiracy theory where prosaic answers are available. Available, but not enough to give him a sound bite on Fox News, let’s say that much.

Once we manage to destroy the oceans and the ecosystem goes, Johnson will be only too happy to assign every dollar in the country to solving climate change issues. But of course by then it will be way too late.

I simply shudder that “intellects” like this, like Johnson and Tuberville, are in the upper chamber of Congress and making laws. This is enough to keep you awake at night.


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  1. Now you’ve gone and caused me to conjure up a new fantasy. In this one RoJo for some reason is on a U.S. Navy Vessel that ‘crosses the line” which means crosses the equator. That’s actually a BFD because the ship and others with it pause for a while so that Pollywogs (those who have never crossed) can be initiated into the Ancient Order of Shellbacks (those who HAVE crossed) and believe it or not records ARE kept. In people’s official Service Record Books! Initiation? Well…. let’s just say it’s interesting. Eventually all the Pollywogs will wind up on the deck to go through some “things” (punishments – I’ll get to that) before the final “swim” across whatever the hell is in that slime stuff to be officially greeted as Shellbacks. First however, the Pollywogs are summoned to a room to face the awesome majesty of King Neptunis Rex, “Ruler of the Raging Main.” With Shellbacks looking on each poor Pollywog is hauled before King Neptune and their “crimes/sins/transgressions” are noted. It’s good natured ribbing of course but what matters is for each item on the list King Neptune issues a punishment and sometimes a given one is doled out in multiple portions. For example a visit to the Royal Barber (where gear grease is rubbed over their head and if they have any hair), a trip to the Royal Dentist (a concoction of hotter than f**k spices squirted on the tongue from a plastic squeeze ketchup bottle), having to kiss “The Royal Baby” (the stomach of the fattest shellback on board – covered in that nasty grease of course, and the Royal Baby has a tendency to grab ears and pull faces in and grind them around – using hands also covered in that grease!), a trip through “The Tunnel of Love” (a chute filled with food garbage from the galley) and so on. As I said the more spectacular sinners really go through a LOT.

    For RoJo? If I got to be King Neptune (it takes a lot of crossings to get to be one – like I said records are kept) “Davy Jones” wouldn’t make it halfway through the list of charges before I pronounced I’d heard enough. His sentence? Take him up to the deck and run his silly a$$ through every punishment and THEN super-glue his entire backside to a big shell from one of the guns, or maybe a spare anchor (anchors for even a small ship like a destroyer are huge) and let him sit out there in the sun to eventually watch all the other proceedings. Once everyone on board (except for RoJo who wouldn’t get to do the final part) was a Shellback I’d have myself summoned to the deck to pronounce final sentence which would be at the loudest I could yell it (pretty goddamned loud I should note):
    Once we are underway (travelling across the water again under power) THROW HIS SILL A$$ INTO THE GODDAMNED WAKE!

  2. Sure, you could buy Rojo the Clown some gray matter but let’s be painfully honest here-he would not know what to do with them anyway. How about raising taxes on the wealthy, like Rojo the Clown, and putting it toward Education, Infrastructure, and other things actually useful.



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