When you see this you’ll understand exactly why Donald Trump is venting his spleen on Truth Social. He has until Monday to come up with a $454M bond or “the appeal is dead.” The image above is a guestimation of what certain Trump-owned properties might go for at a fire sale, meaning their market value minus 20% to 40%. As you can see, it would take about seven of Trump’s properties, including Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street, Trump Parc and a few others to crack the basic nut.

This is getting down to brass tacks. It’s pointed out here that if Trump would put things in receivership, at least he would get to choose the properties, not Letitia James. Then fast forward to 6:40, “The appeal is dead on Monday if the bond is not posted. And the bond is unlikely to be posted.”

In that case, a bankruptcy that Trump began now, would “only give him so much protection against the state.” The important thing to hear is that 1) Letitia James will seize Trump’s operating accounts in the instance of no bond for an appeal but more importantly, 2) Trump could be FORCED into bankruptcy, “based upon the cash calls which are coming from his other properties outside of New York state which are going to come cascading down, come Monday.”

This is explosive. Trump has basically cornered himself. If he is forced into bankruptcy, then that’s a matter of public record and he can’t keep that from MAGA. He’s disinclined to file for bankruptcy for the obvious reason, it pulls his cover. It exposes him as the fraud that he is.

Unless I miss my guess, right now every spin doctor that Trump can buy is trying to figure out a way to put a spin on the fact that he may be forced into bankruptcy as soon as Monday, assuming that what Johnathan Greenberg (who has reported on Trump’s finances for years) says is true.

What a creative endeavor. How do you take a conman, who has now been busted by the court and who has to declare bankruptcy, whether he wants to or not, due to the cash calls that will come flooding in, and spin that so that it looks: 1) Normal; 2) Can be explained as part of a Deep State plot or 3) both.

Trump is SOL. News just broke that he had to cancel a fundraiser in Arizona last weekend because his campaign doesn’t have as much money as it needs. It’s a no-brainer that Trump is tanking the RNC reserves that would normally go to down ballot candidates but it’s a new revelation that this early on in the game Trump is having trouble financing his own campaign.

And it makes perfect sense that Trump is now courting Marco Rubio for a VP run, since Rubio is good at fundraising. There’s no money for anything.

The jig is up. The con has ended. Trump played a devious shell game for half a century and now, a few months before his 78th birthday, it all looks to be screeching to a halt.


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  1. More to your excellent article title:
    He’s realising the walls are closing in because he’s not above it all. It’s a serious – legal, moral & ethical – series of focussed consequences due to his infantile, uncontrolled, malignant and megalomaniac perceptions of himself. These, and how his puerile mind follows along, driving his insatiable narcissistic primeval reptilian urges. He’s successfully created an insurmountable out of control situation, for himself, simply called ‘karma’. He cannot even competently manage the last days of his ‘exit’. The tick. Tick. Tick timeline has shortened to being: Tick. Tick. Closely followed up by the ‘kaboom’ that’ll flash from his final spectacular face plant – aided by his ‘spin doctors’ whoever they are (natural and or corporate). Woot! If loosing is winning, Don Don has aced it. Yeah!

    • He must know that he’s going to be forced into bankruptcy. Or, maybe the reality hasn’t dawned on him. Trump is a kid. I went to college with rich kids and they flat out didn’t know the value of a dollar because they never earned anything. I remember one kid found out how little a secretary at the university made, and he was shocked. I told him, “That’s a fairly normal wage. What did you think people made?” And of course he had no clue.

      My point is, Trump doesn’t know what it really is to lose money or lose a house, car, whatever, and people do. He’s never lost a job because he’s never had one. Other than the presidency and he lost that.

      It must be incredible to be his age and be a teenager. Dear God. Better him than me.

      • Yep! And he can’t even competently and successfully win at losing because he cheats – cheating himself and others at losing, and, as you allude to, not knowing it’s monetary value, to some extent, until the reality of it all finally bites this infantile ‘teenager’ in the arse.

      • He probably thinks personal bankruptcy is exactly like the 6 chapter 11 he has previously filed. I would be surprised if he realized what personal bankruptcy would do to him-it isn’t as if he has any actual business knowledge. His lawyers back when he filed chapter 11 were the ones knowing it would affect him personally very little. I do not know if habba knows the difference between chapter 11 and personal bankruptcy: I would be greatly surprised if she did given her total lack of legal knowledge.

  2. My understanding is that the appeal is not even slightly dead if Traitor Tot doesn’t post bond or its equivalent. He can still appeal. What he can’t do is delay NY State’s collection of that half a billion dollar fine. He can only hold NY State off if he puts the funds into a receivership. But the monetary side has nothing to do with the judicial appeal itself.

    • I did not know that but it makes sense. I could not understand how a lack of funds or bond could stop anyone from having their day in court if the court allows the trial to go forward.

  3. cancel a fundraiser because you can’t afford to run it. that is desperation level campaigning right there. shooting self in both feet.


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