Interesting to see how the Republican platform has managed to lose planks over the years, not to mention a few screws. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon believer who has infamously cheated on her husband and Matt Gaetz, infamous for having sex with underage girls, have formed an alliance, Put America First — and a fundraising committee to support same. They’re having their first rally on May 7, so you can contribute right now this minute, or wait until the big night, whatever suits your level of enthusiasm. This alliance is like toxic sludge teaming up with atomic waste.

And what will they do with the money? Well, Sir, if it might interest you, they plan to do an expanded version of Gaetz’ famous harassment visit on Liz Cheney in Wyoming, for all the good that did. Gaetz and Greene are betting the farm on the fact that there are more crazy MAGAs than normal conservatives left, and that is the face of the party they want to lead.

This is what’s going into 2022. This is the strategy. Gin up the base, throw the old GOP over a cliff, what’s left of it, and go full on Trump. It boggles the mind that the GOP has become so ideologically, morally, and spiritually bankrupt that this is the face of the party, but until we get word of something else happening, I guess this is what it is.





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  1. Not that I spend any time worrying about the welfare of Margarine Taylor Gangrene but at least she doesn’t have to worry about Gaetz serial sexual predation. She’s way too old for him!

  2. This ought to be fun. Kookie-Pants and Mr. “Can’t keep his pants on” are going to take their show on the road. Well, maybe. Mr. Gaetz might be dealing with not being able to keep his pants pulled up and zipped. Need to do that around children you know.

    That Ms. Qanon herself wants to be seen with a sexual predator of children really is the height of hypocrisy. Of course, it’s hard not to be seen with one in the G.Q.P. these days.


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