Looks like Never-Kevins Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert were in a rush to get before cameras and announce they had wrung everything the possibly could out of what remains of McCarthy’s shriveled corpse and are now ready to ditch the other remaining hold outs and allow him to be Speaker after all.

Never is just not as long as it used to be…

Update: Word now is Boebert was supposed to be a “yea” and Gaetz a “present” but Boebert voted present throwing a wrench in the works. Looks like Gaetz is changing his vote.

Update II: Gaetz voted “present” again but so did other Never-Kevins effectively making McCarthy the Speaker if no yes votes on the previous ballots switch to voting for someone else. But Quevin will win without a majority vote.



That’s the next great battle, General.

And you can always believe BoBo…

Yeah, and without the new rules they can’t hide his chair right? Should be interesting.

Might as well, Kevin, they are gonna come for you in any case…

Yeah, it’s not like Quevin has a pardon in his pocket.


As if.





Just read they vote “present”. What a couple of sleaze weasels.

Like Chester Riley said: What a revolting development this turned out to be.

I’m gonna TiVo the late night rules fight.

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