As reported elsewhere and in the New York Times, the Georgia Grand Jury forewoman is walking a serious tightrope (I really wish she hadn’t said a thing, she is endangering the entire process because this is supposed to be secret). Today the Times reported that the forewoman of the Grand Jury says they are recommending multiple indictments against multiple people and that it’s not a short list.


From the New York Times:

A special grand jury that investigated election interference by former President Donald J. Trump and his allies in Georgia recommended indictments for multiple people on a range of charges in its final report, most of which remains sealed, the forewoman of the jury said on Tuesday.

“It is not a short list,” the forewoman, Emily Kohrs, said in an interview.

Ms. Kohrs, 30, declined to name the people recommended for indictment, since the judge handling the case decided to keep those details secret when he made public a few sections of the report last week. But seven sections that are still under wraps deal with indictment recommendations, Ms. Kohrs said.

It is not a “short list.”

So… Trump, Meadows, and Lindsey Graham… remember, we know that the G.J. made recommendations for indictments based on perjury, and Lindsey Graham fought that subpoena as far as he could take it. The only people with a motivation to lie would be the people most likely trying to shade the case in Trump’s favor.

Additionally, Lindsey Graham made a call of his own asking about whether signature requirements could be used to decrease some of the votes (Indeed, I always thought Graham’s call was more obviously a crime than Trump’s. Georgia’s statute pertaining to election interference is a mess, by the way.)

But you can bet that Lindsey Graham is having almost as bad a night as Trump, who – as Dino reports, is having a bit of a temper-tanTrump.

This is the real crime that took place in Georgia, with a Racist in Reverse D.A., who presides over the most dangerous city per capita in our Nation (by far!), Atlanta, does nothing but harass me for making two absolutely PERFECT phone calls, and for any other fake reason that the Department of Injustice in D.C. tells her to pursue. They are demanding silence from people from protesting, or even discussing, Election results, because that’s the place they just don’t want to get anywhere near!

And why wouldn’t he be freaking out? When the forewoman was told that Trump claimed that the Grand Jury exonerated him, she burst out laughing. So, have a nice night, Trump and Lindsey… oh, and we haven’t forgotten you Mark Meadows. Now we wait to see if Fanni Willis really does pull the trigger. The weight of the world is on her shoulders.
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  1. Lindsey Graham won’t be worried because Fani Willis told him he was not a target before he testified. I’m sure he has that in writing. The ones who should be worried are the 16 fake electors plus Guiliani, Meadows and Trump.


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