It’s Thanksgiving week and, to celebrate, the Furkids and their devoted servants are thankful for many things including toys and treats, walks and playtime, scritches and kisses. But most of all they are thankful for each other.

They chose this thank you song for the occasion. I did try to point out that their choice wasn’t entirely appropriate to what they had in mind but my objections were, as usual, drowned out by a cacophony of moos, baas, bellows, meows and barks etc. They insisted that a little tweaking of the lyrics would make it purrfect for Thanksgiving. I leave it up to you to decide if they’re right.

There are several versions of this song, all with widely varying lyrics. This one, the original and winner of the 1938 Academy Award for Best Original Song, was closest to what the Furkids team envisaged. Thank you to Bob for donating coins for the jukebox today. Just press play, scroll down through the lyrics and sing along!

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  1. ((((((((Michelle)))))))) This is fantastic – some of the best pics I’ve EVER seen! Hope you and the furkids have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We’ll be at my niece’s; she has a beautiful kitty named Phoebe, and a gigantic pit bull named Diesel.

    • Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
      Hey, by the way, what shall we call you? Do you have a nickname you like? GTOFT seems too impersonal to call someone we consider to be a friend. ❤️💕

  2. {{{Michelle}}} Thank *you* and the Furkids. You help us get through the terrible times with a smile and sometimes a tear at the sweetness. I am very thankful for you – every single day of the year. Healing Energy. Skritches & {{{HUGS}}} all around/as appropriate.

    • I am very thankful for your loving care, healing energy and invaluable friendship. And the Furkids team absolutely adores their Auntie Barb!
      With loving care 🤗💖🌹💖🤗Barbara🤗💖🌹💖🤗
      and scritches to 💖Charlie🐾Cloud🐾Freddie🐾Bobbie🐾Rennie💖


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