Since Joe Biden became POTUS, things are getting better. But the trauma of the four years before Biden is still lingering. The aftereffects of sadness, pain, anger, depression and anxiety are still being felt around the world, compounded by the ongoing pandemic and threats to our democracies.

Whenever you feel down, your furkids want you to know they are there fur you. To show they care, they chose this song fur you.

A wonderful man called Bill gave the Furkids team coins for the jukebox this week. There’s a few bars of intro which will give you just enough time to get the furkids settled before scrolling down to the lyrics and singing along.

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    • This is a favourite that’s likely to turn up at least once a year. ?
      Moar hugs ???Barb???
      and scritches to
      ??Charlie ? Cloud ? Freddie ? Bobbie ? Murf ? Rennie ??

  1. Thanks so much, Mopshell! I’m sure I’m not alone, but this is one of my very favorite songs. And you and the furkids did it justice. Hope you have a lovely week!


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