Funday Furkids Spring Into Spring!

Spring into Spring header

It’s been a long tough Winter for our American furriends and the March 21 Spring Equinox seemed a long way off. But good things come to those who wait – Spring is here at last! As you’d expect, the Funday Furkids team is celebrating with gusto!


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  1. Oh Michelle, these are wonderful! And that Lyrebird? Wow, I’ve never seen one of those before. I had no idea such a bird even existed! That is one amazing critter. A truly five-star collection!

    • Oh good because one panel was missing and another panel was out of order! I was really tired when I was setting these! {{{bfitz}}}

      • I woke up early this morning and thought about the latest edition of Funday Furkids coming in a few hours. I’ve come to look forward to this every week.

      • And here I am again. {{{Michelle}}} you outdid yourself on this one. The design/plan & layout – I can definitely see why you might be a bit tired by the time you were setting them. (I hope you got some good sleep between then and now.) I’m gonna go through multiple times because I know I’ve missed things in the pictures while following the story. Skritches to Ms. Loula and moar {{{HUGS}}}

  2. Michelle, this was WONDERFUL!!! Absolutely delightful; some of those you included I’d never seen before. Haven’t grinned this much in a looooong time!!


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