Irony died a swift death back in 2015 when the most improbable presidential candidate of all time came down the escalator. One of the parties responsible for her death was Fox News, which seems capable of self awareness. We thought that even artificial intelligence was supposed to be capable of some self awareness? Maybe not. Here’s another gem of what they said and how it fits so differently when you switch out footage of Joe Biden and insert footage of Donald Trump.

Here’s another gem. This is MAGA and yes, to them this is real.

I remember reading decades ago that in the 21st century the big commodity would be information. I took that to mean marketing information, demographics, the kind of stuff that Facebook was famous for mining and selling for so many years. It never once occurred to me that what was meant was that lies would reign supreme and rule the lives of much of our country and that the biggest battle in a given election would be to get people to accept the plain unvarnished truth.

It also never occurred to me that information of a scandalous nature would be revealed about somebody like George Santos. I couldn’t even imagine a character like George Santos except in the pages of satire. He used to answer the phone in the Customer Service department of Comcast but this appeared on his resume as an investment advisor job at Goldman Sachs.

And if Santos was one outlier, that would be one thing, but he’s closer to being the harbinger of the direction that much of the GOP is going in the era of Trump. They are false and phony people, habitual liars and all they care about is cobbling together an image that will get them elected so that they can grift.

The Tower of Babel may have been a story from the Bible at one point. But we live in it now. In fact, it’s become an industry. It all started with right-wing radio, of which Fox News is also a main player. If you drive through rural parts of the country, that, and evangelical broadcasting is all you can get on the radio.

In urban areas Breitbart took hold back in the day. What may have been fringe amusement at one time has become a toxin in the bloodstream of the body politic. And the toxin is what keeps Donald Trump alive. Truth, to him, is like holy water to a vampire. It burns him. So Trump stays in his fake news biosphere where he can thrive.

That leads us to the one and only question: is the truth biosphere bigger or is fake news going to restore Trump to a second term and doom democracy?

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