If you look out the window right now, in the direction of Wingnuttia, there is a giant mushroom cloud forming. The cacophony you hear is the sound of Donald Trump screaming, as he throws coffee pots into television sets. Behold, none other than Fox News has just confirmed the reporting of Jeffrey Goldberg’s Atlantic piece, on the heels of the Associated Press and the Washington Post. Lordy, lordy, what hath Fox wrought?

Well, this last explanation pretty much blows up the alibi of Trump wanting to go to the cemetery, but not being able to fly, because of the rain, and having to stay in the hotel against his will.  Purportedly, he was devastated by not being able to fly, because he really wanted to go to the cemetery.

I guess the Atlantic isn’t the only failing media outlet looking to stay relevant, hmmm?

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      • “Oh, how sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.” Trump told Fox News a long time ago, “remember who got you there.”

      • I believe you misinterpret this line. Shakespeare is talking about all men (and women), not an individual. It’s a comment about our human condition in general.

        • Well, if the Trump administration isn’t “a tale by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”, I don’t know what is. Yes, it was Macbeth’s pity party comment on the human condition. But considering what kind of a gaping asshole he turned out to be, I’d take that with a tub of salt. Chadwick Boseman’s last four years on this earth was a direct refutation of that despair.

      • I would agree except “nothing” includes more dead & damaged children than can be counted. Idiots in power can do a lot of damage especially when their shoe size is larger than their IQ & they have no discernible heart. No accident the two greatest commandments recorded start with love God with all your HEART, your MIND,(where the so called Christians fail), & your SOUL. The second part is the golden rule, love ur neighbor as yourself. What these mutherphuckers claim is they believe in Jesus as the way, the TRUTH, & the light. As a Religion major at UNC-CH, I can tell you most people don’t even know where they are or any facts about the size & scope of the universe. Ifu can’t name the speed of light, ur clueless. Of course, even though they are ignorant, they think strong emotion equals truth. If so, then watch the Nuremberg rallies. Never seen that scale of loyalty & passion, BUT THEY WERE EVIL KILLERS.

        • Think you’re missing the point of the quote, Scott. Don’t forget the kind of damage Macbeth caused along the way himself, including a few corpses. And in the end, it all added up to…nothing, nothing that would last, nothing that was worth all the effort, THAT nothing. It’s the same nothing Percy Shelley was talking about in “Ozymandias”: “…look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!/Nothing beside remains/Round that colossal decay, boundless and bare/The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

          • Somewhere in space & time we all are already dead. Done deal. True democracy. I agree homosapien hubris adds up to nothing, however, as the white father figure of five black girls, I’ve been missing the point since that 2y/o girl drowned with her arm around her dead daddy in the Rio Grande cuz this criminal broke the asylum laws.

          • I think we’re saying the same thing, just from different angles. The suffering this man has inflicted upon us all has never been worth it to anyone, him included.

          • True. It’s the ongoing tragedy of a species trapped forever, yes, 4phucking ever, on a planet with finite resources, where 99% of all species has gone extinct. Our time is running short. Sometimes people wake up in a burning house but they don’t make out alive.

    • Very apropos quote! Thanks! It drives me nuts that people still call him Mr. President. He has the title and sits in the residence but he has NEVER for one Instant been a “Mr. President.” He has been a Russian agent from the get-go!

  1. President Bonespures is a coward. You can tell that by looking at his eyes. I played sports through college and was in the Army Infantry. They used to teach that kind of thing (maybe still do, not sure). Look at the eyes to see what your opponent is going to do. His eyes are all over the place. He never has as point of concentration or intent. He’l say whatever makes him money or comes into his pointy head…

    • He’s totally a coward and a low life. The way that cowards and low lifes make themselves seem like something is to disparage the genuine achievements of others. I have never seen it to fail.

      • It’s always all about money and himself, for him. Everything is a transactions, what he can get out of it…and he hates being told that he’s wrong.

  2. Ruh Roh! Admittedly my anger makes it next to impossible for me to think straight today (I get angrier every hour) but I can’t help but wonder something. Specifically if Ruppert and Lachlan Murdoch have their hand on the plug of the Trump Tee Vee Propaganda machine and have eased it out just enough to cause the electronics to flicker. Just to see what happens. If the outrage continues to mount as it well might, Trump will become a financial liability to their network and that’s something they aren’t going to ignore. Maybe, just maybe they are prepping someone for a behind the scenes chat with the flaming orange human shaped rectum aka Donald Trump. Whether or not he’s had a small stroke (or a series of them) or not, they just might be ready to buy him off and order him to fake a real stroke (from which at some unspecified point in the future he’ll be allowed to “recover” from and step aside for Pence. That way Fox can spend the foreseeable future singing Trump’s praises about how awesome he was, and save enough face with their viewers to hold on to them. After all, the Murdochs could buy Trump a couple or even three times over so ten or twenty billion actual dollars would be tip money to them. Of course, without the “only in the OLC’s minds” protection of his office Trump has his share of legal problems both civil and criminal. But twenty or thirty million in legal fees and bribing a couple of members of any jury to ensure a hung verdict in any criminal trial, or enough on a civil jury to prevent a “preponderance of the evidence” standard for a ruling against Trump would be pocket change.

    • They won’t buy him off but they seem to be backing away. I don’t want him bought off. Too many will see Pence as a savior then. I went him alive on election day now that it is so close.

      We really would have been better off if we had had no one at all in the Oval Office. And we, and HE, would have been better off if he had just stayed at home, stolen us blind, and kept his mouth shut. Power always always always corrupts those who have no idea who they are, no moral compass at all, and he was already corrupt so it was worse, once he began to see what he could do in terms of hate and violence and death and destruction while stealing America blind and leaving a blazing ruin when he feels like leaving. It is all those enablers around him in DC who deserve the lowest level of Hell for their acts and inaction.

    • Denis,
      Faux news would implode if their gawd’s feet turned to clay. Can you imagine the abject gaping black hole they would wake up to the next morning? Who could replace him? Matt Gaetz? Rudy Giuliani??

      The king is dead, long live the king.

      They sure backed the wrong horse!

  3. How lovely it is to see a true discussion in civil, well spoken language. I venture to say that perhaps 40% of our country would not understand the discourse here. It is our job to make certain that 40% is dreadfully disappointed in November.

    • Eff ’em, Victoria, if you’ll forgive my lack of decorum. I’m looking forward to shoving every last one of them under the rocks they crawled out from under in a few months.

  4. The list of episodes of Trump trashing the military is already long, but I don’t know why nobody’s mentioning the disgusting way he treated Captain Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt just a few months ago (also an example of his willful mishandling of the pandemic), or how he decided he was the supreme arbiter of military justice, overruling military leaders and even Esper and Army Sec McCarthy, who sought to punish Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher and two army officers, Lorance and Golsteyn, for war crimes.


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