If you had told me ten years ago that the most sacred institutions and rituals of our government would be defiled by the worst elements in our society, some of them sitting members of Congress, I would have said you were barking mad. That cannot happen in America. We have our differences, but we have too much class for that. No, we do not. At least some of us do not.

We saw what happened January 6, 2021 when a mob smashed their way into the Capitol, defecated on the marble floors and walked off with Speaker Pelosi’s podium, while chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and “Fuck Mike Pence” while they did so, laughing and high fiving and taking selfies of each other.

Foolishly, we thought that was the bottom, the nadir of misbehavior arising out of our political differences had been reached. We were wrong. Last night the nadir was reached when two congresswomen, both of them freshmen and both of them Republicans, heckled the President of the United States while he gave his first State of the Union speech to the American people — and in a time of war and global pandemic, I might add.

Never has a wartime president been greeted with the out and out disrespect that Joe Biden was last night. And to the best of my knowledge, never has an American president dealt with a global pandemic and a war starting in Europe at the same time. This was a moment for sober reflection and unity, as we traverse a difficult passage in our common political waters.

But there are some to whom nothing, and I mean nothing, is sacred. And Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are those people. They are renowned already for their appalling ignorance, their lack of education, their poor choices, and now they have gone down in history for crossing a line never before crossed, that of heckling the president during the State of the Union address. If there is any justice in this world, they will be voted out of office and not be present for the next one.

Here’s what I’m talking about.

And here’s another.

Reactions, as you might expect.

And as bad as this was, as you have come to be accustomed by now, it got worse. Right Side Broadcasting Network ran Donald Trump’s 2020 SOTU speech and then Marge Greene gave “commentary” on the actual American president’s speech.

There’s going to be major blowback for this all day today from normal people. Let’s not even ask where Kevin McCarthy is or what he’s doing about the members of his caucus, because that is an exercise in futility.

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  1. This is the legacy of Trump. As he said years ago, he’d run as a Republican because they’re stupid enough to believe just about anything. Even his lies. And once he’d taken over the party, it was only logical that other GOPers would emulate his ignorance and boorishness, because it had worked for him.

  2. Sorry, but thinking these two assholes or other Congress Critters can’t go any lower is wishful thinking. It can and will get worse and not just from these two.

    • Totally agree marine! There’s no basement in Hell. Sorry ladies…there ARE evil women in this world no matter what slang word you use.

      • There sure are. My husband was listening to me bitching about those two this morning, my verbiage liberally sprinkled with that word a lot of us females consider the worst gender-specific insult, and he said, “I thought you hated that word.”. I said, “I do, and I hate those two worse, they have totally earned it”.

        • Ur honesty is refreshing. Having grown up in the 50s & 60s with the legitimate rise of feminism, the dark side is all I heard over & over is men are bad. When one person is oppressed, we all are oppressed. Women are no more noble, saintly or enlightened than men…except my deceased mom. Ha. I do think the world would be infinitely better if moms ran it, as long as they didn’t turn into power hungry, arrogant, money grubbing, sexist, racist, hypocritical, aholes…which I doubt. Time for a sea change. Men in power seem to have no defenses for my description.

  3. My mom is all the time telling me how much Boebert is DESPISED out in Colorado. She also seems to think Boebert is as good as out for the midterms. So maybe she wanted to establish her Sarah Palin credentials while she still had a chance.

    • What? Ur foolish to think they respond to a challenge. Biden has asked them for a fucking year to be reasonable & stop killing people with their ignorance. All their evil comes from WITHIN.

  4. Wasn’t it Gym Jordan who shouted out YOU LIE when OBama was giving a speech on the House floor? I don’t remember what the speech was but I think it was about the Affordable Care Act. So yeah, the goopers have been classless for years.

  5. Not surprising that “Empty” Green and stripper without a pole, Boebert would do this.
    Funny how Bambi Boebert got her panties in a twist a few weeks ago when Speaker Pelosi didn’t give one of her floor “speeches” her full undivided attention.

  6. If I’d been Pelosi, I would’ve interrupted the President and then ordered the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove both of the pick-your-own-colorful-terms-to-describe-these-idiots and then let Biden decide if he wanted to be the bigger man (take that as you will) and let the PYOCTTDTIs remain since they do have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech, although the flip to that is one must be willing to accept the consequences of that free speech (maybe add a simple reminder that Vladimir Putin has been known to have his political opponents permanently silenced).

  7. “Never has a wartime president been greeted with the out and out disrespect that Joe Biden was last night.”


    I guess Biden can be considered a “war-time president” as he did begin office while the US continued to be at war in Afghanistan. By withdrawing in the manner he commanded, more than 20 years of progress by completely abandoning the beautiful people of Afghanistan. The region will never again recover and opened the door for what we are seeing in Ukraine. If you are suggesting Biden is a war-time president because of the situation in Ukraine, you are as arrogant and clueless as any other American when it comes to foreign policy. To imply we are at war with Russia because we sent some weapons and money would imply we are constantly at war with multiple nations on multiple continents. We have soldiers involved in combat operations all over the world on a near daily basis that we never hear anything about. Based upon your logic, almost every president in the history of the US was a “war-time president”.

    –“They are renowned already for their appalling ignorance, their lack of education, their poor choices, and now they have gone down in history for crossing a line never before crossed, that of heckling the president during the State of the Union address.”–

    Second, I would encourage you to research the idea that heckling of the president during the State of the Union address is a line that has never been crossed. I think you may be surprised to find that it is actually not uncommon. Do I think it is disrespectful? Yes. Is it the first time is has ever happened? Again, you have a Google machine.

    Lastly, it is abundantly clear in the current age of mass media and the 24-7 news cycle that anyone with a blog may be viewed as a journalist. I agree that it is ok to have a difference of opinion and agree to disagree but, as more and more people with blogs have begun moonlighting as journalists, differences of opinion have devolved into arguments of right and wrong. That is to say, if you do not share my opinion, you are wrong and should be soundly punished for your view. Despite having access to a world of people with differing opinions, many of us elect to stay in our own safe bubble and interact only with people who agree with us. They may not look like us because we wouldn’t want to be racist or ageist or ableist or transphobic or homophobic or mysogynistic, but they certainly think like us. In that regard, we are far worse off as a society than we have been since the inception and creation of the United States of America.

    • Contrary to what so many perceive the annual televised spectacle we know as the State of the Union address is a recent thing. Hell, for the first part of our history Presidents simply sent a written message to Congress and didn’t bother going to Capitol Hill to give remarks in person! But as television sets began to be in the majority of households networks started carrying Presidential addreses to Congress and the SOTU live, and in prime time. With his HOLLYWOOD (yeah conservatives – much as you like to talk about Hollywood and liberals Reagan wasn’t/isn’t the only big name and/or influential person Hollywood has produced. Not by a long shot) experience he turned it into a true, glitzy hour-plus marketing presentation for the coming year’s political agenda. For a half-century now an important function has been a TV show meant to influence multiple audiences simultaneously.

      Now, as this evolved certain conventions were established and maintained. Regardless of who was President and what Party had the balance of power in Congress there was a ridiculously long standing ovation when the President enters and makes their way to the podium. Hell, networks would TIME the length of the ovation. Worse, when the Speaker would formally introduce the President and turn over the floor to them we have had to sit through the whole spectacle again. I suppose this playacting was meant mostly for foreign viewers to show that whatever differences at home we were the UNITED States of America. During the actual address, the convention of applause seldom included booing from either Congress Critters or the public in the gallery and there was bi-partisan “shushing” of it. For the Congress Critters, the big deal of showing either support for a part of the speech or disapproval was whether people would clap and cheer or not, or stand up or not to clap and cheer. Basically, there was a civility to disagreement that was standard.

      Until Joe Wilson, REPUBLICAN of FL shouted out loud enough to be heard (around the world mind you) “You LIE” at President Obama. Once that barrier was broken, that unwritten rule violated it was bound to get worse and it has. There have been more shout outs of that type, and let me remind you it’s been Republicans leading that type of thing. At least Speaker Pelosi waited until Trump was done speaking before tearing her copy of his speech in half. And she didn’t say a word while up there.

      When the moments of proverbial monkey flinging shit during the SOTU happen, the shouting out of inappropriate (for that setting at least) stuff takes place one can get rich betting it’s a REPUBLCIAN doing the flinging. It’s a relatively new thing but Wilson was basically given a pass (he should have been formally censured and at a minimum been stripped of all committee assignments by his own Party, if not removed from Congress entirely at their insistence) so it’s not only continued but now is something we can expect to happen. And if one wants to get rich betting, placing a bet that it’s a Republican(s) doing the heckling/monkey shit flinging is the way to go.


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