I would like to personally thank every reader who suffered through my bad tempered little rant the other day about, after following every rule and guideline, and getting my jabs, and being promised a return to normalcy, was now staring down the barrel of my Governor telling me that I had to mask up again thanks to a passel of inbred, brain dead Trumptard special snowflakes. I feel much better now, and here’s why.

I think that the loud, negative public response to the CDC’s new guidelines once again mandating mask wear indoors, even for fully vaccinated people, due to the sudden surge in the Delta strain of the virus. I guess I wasn’t the only one who was supremely pissed off. But what I wasn’t prepared for was the response from a totally unexpected direction.

The NFL got a jump on the ball by coming out with a mandate that every player be fully vaccinated before the start of training camp, with proof of compliance. If players refused, they were subject to enhanced testing procedures. Unlike last year, if a team has to bow out of a game due to a Covid infection, the game will not be rescheduled. Instead, the offending team will forfeit the game, giving them a loss on the season schedule. And both teams will forfeit their pay for that week’s game. Man! Talk about peer pressure.

And it’s just getting worse for the special snowflakes. Today, President Biden announced that all federal employees must be vaccinated with proof, or subject to increased testing and more restrictive mask provisions. All visitors to federal buildings will now be required to wear masks.

Corporate America is stepping up to the front as well. Today, major companies such as Google, Facebook, twitter, Lyft, Citi bank, and Netflix and others have all mandated proof of vaccination in order for employees to return to the office. And this is their absolute right, it’s their company, and they have a right to protect their investment in their employees.

This is pure music to my ears, and the song just keeps getting sweeter. Danny Meyer, the restaurateur who owns the Shake Shack national chain, announced today that not only will all employees of his restaurants be required to provide proof of vaccination in order to report to work, all customers will be required to provide proof of vaccination in order to enter the restaurant. Meyer stated that it was his sincere conviction that as a responsible owner, it was his duty to ensure the safety of everyone visiting his establishments.

I have been waiting for something like this since day one. For far too long, all of us have allowed fucktard morons to scream at the top of their lungs, pound their chests, and swear that their personal liberties are being violated. And the rest of us just look at them as ultimate assholes, and go about our business following the rules. But that is changing. Both corporate America as well as private establishments are taking steps to protect themselves by shutting these shitwits out.

And here’s where I can see this going next. While professional athletes may be the bread and butter of any sports team, it is actually the fans that are the lifeblood of the organization. They’re the ones plunking down the cash to go and see the games. And if fans begin to worry that it may not be safe to take their family, especially children who cannot currently be vaccinated to the game, then they will stay away. I can easily foresee at least individual teams, if not entire leagues requiring proof of vaccination for eligible fans in order to attend the event. The same thing for concert venues. The bottom line is their god, and selfish pigs are bad for business.

For the first time, I am starting to feel actual confidence that we will finally get to herd immunity. Because finally, finally, the rest of the country is standing up to the selfish pricks. If this heats up, then they’ll need vaccination to keep their jobs. And of they want to go to an indoor event or sporting event, they’ll need to be vaccinated. We shall see what we shall see.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Thank you for posting. Have navigated covid thus far with being vaccinated, wearing a mask, washing hands, and avoiding crowds. I have heart issues, and work part time. I recently started masking up again. I feel a little embarrassed to do it, but dammit, I think it is the most sane decision, as annoying as masks can be. Stay calm and carry on, folks. We may not like it, but we can do it.

    • KT, I rfespect your position all the way. But at the moment, I am on a low boil that people like you and me and my wife have to make yet another sacrifice for a bunch of selfish pigs…And that’s why this news was so heartening for me…More and more people are FINALLY starting to put the pressure, and the inconvenience back on the people who are causing the problem in the first place.

  2. I understand 88% of NFL players have had at least one shot, as a result. Money matters to them.

    I haven’t stopped masking, because L.A. county isn’t vaxxed enough yet, and you can’t tell who is. Most businesses didn’t relax their mask rules, either.

    • Hey PJ, lovely to see you again!!! Here in Vegas, Teri and I have both stopped masking, simply ecause the few grocery stores that we frequent aren’t that crowded, and neither are the locals casinos we go to…But it just really frosts my apricots that we’re now being faced with being ordered to mask up again indoors to accommodate a bunch of selfish fucks that just can’t be bothered to follow the rules…

  3. I’ve said before that even though I got my shots (Pfizer) back in March I’ve never stopped masking up when outside my apartment, or following other Covid protocols. Hell, I know for a fact there are plenty of Trump folks in my own (over 55 btw) building! Why, a vaccine with incredibly high efficacy rates in the 90s still doesn’t mean 100% protection. A small number of people will not respond enough to the shots to be protected. And I don’t want to become a statistic – one of that handful who turned out to be in the “oops” category. With so many people refusing to mask, or once in say the grocery store walking around with their mask pulled down like Kilroy or all the way down to chin strap level I know I’ve encountered the virus over and over.

    So in addition to masking I’ve used wipes while out (and I clean the handles of shopping carts or basket myself having watched so many half-assed efforts by store staff) and wash up good when I get home. My first thought when they announced lifting of the Covid protocols (and my building starting to allow group activities again) was “Oh shit. Now there’s going to be a lot MORE virus floating around in the air and settling on surfaces!”

    Given I have medical issues I have and will continue to conduct myself pretty much like the pandemic is in full swing. What might be a relatively mild breakthrough infection for most people can for someone like me be more serious.

    I do however welcome the news in your article. I hope these companies stick to their plans. And that other join them. And that small businesses follow suit.

    • It’s aerial transmission, so you don’t have to worry so much about cart and door handles. But masks – yeah. N95 type, if you can tolerate them.

  4. Its time for federal laws that EVERYONE be vaccinated unless they can get a medical exemption signed by three physicians. In other words, everyone that can safely be vaccinated WILL be vaccinated!
    These stupid jerks right to remain unvaccinated ends where MY right to NOT be infected with a deadly virus begins!

    • Absolutely right, Nonya. Those same selfish, ignorant flat-Earthers who disdain vaccinations and masks as affronts to their “personal liberty” still wear seat belts in a car, sit down in a plane when required and don’t smoke in theatres: personal liberty ends, as you say, where other persons’ liberty begins.

  5. If proof of vaccination is your vaccine card, and if your vaccine card looks like mine, prepare for an onslaught of easily-fabricated fakes. The hypocritical right would rather pretend they were vaccinated than go ahead and just get the shots.

  6. I’ve never actually stopped wearing my masks; I have a few different medical issues (severe asthma, especially) that can put me out of commission for a few weeks. And honestly, I don’t trust people. I see folks not wearing masks in stores and, as cynical as I am, I wonder if they really have gotten the vaccine. I’d rather mask up and be safe than trust some of the yahoos I see around…


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