No, no, no. Ronna Romney McDaniel may be a spineless, amoral, craven Quisling. But the one thing she’s not is as stupid as the other people in the party. She does what she has to do to get anything done in Trumptopia. And sometimes that requires misdirection.

Right now everybody is giving McDaniel a ration of shit about coming up with a signed loyalty pledge as a requirement for admission on the 2024 GOP primary debate stage. Pundits can’t wait to rub her nose in the fact that this gas already been tried, and with humiliating results.

Back in 2016 they tried the same thing in order to keep Traitor Tot from causing problems if, as was widely expected at the time, he got his guts stomped out in the primaries. Trump refused, threatening to take his base with him and run a 3rd party candidacy. The RNC hemmed and hawed until Trump, sensing an advantage in the primaries signed the pledge, knowing it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. McDaniel knows all of this.

And she knows something else too. She knows that she’s basically looking at a summer rerun of 2016. Trump still has his solid 25-33% base, and I believe we still have at least two, if not more candidates to announce, more likely three. DeSantis, Pimpeo, and Pence. Once again they split the moderate vote, while FrankenTrump cruises to early winner-take-all delegate hauls. Trump can just sign the pledge, and tear it up if something goes wrong later.

Which is why McDaniel is not a moron, and isn’t wasting time. She knows that trying to rope His Lowness in is like mud wrestling with a pig, rather an accurate image. And I think that McDaniel sees this race the way I do, that under current conditions and politics, the race is Trump’s to lose.

She’s not trying to rope Trump in. It’s a bait-and-switch on McDaniel’s part. Let The Orange Julius take the attention, who McDaniel is really trying to rope in is everybody else in the 2024 GOP presidential primary field. She literally couldn’t care less about El Pendejo Presidente, especially if the thinks he’s going to win.

Look at the prospective field lining up. Haley is already in, and as long as The Cheeto Prophet’s polling numbers stay in the 40’s in a field that small, Pimpeo and Pence are almost certain to jimp in. And as former subordinates of Hair twitler, there is no reason for them to show him loyalty any longer. Ron Pissantis is all but certain to jump in, and it’s already personal between him and Trump. No reason for Pissantis to give a fat rats ass about Trump if Pissantis loses.

McDaniel desperately wants all of them to sign the loyalty pledge, figuring that as more normal, stable humans, their word will mean more to them than it does to Trump. And we already know it could work. An outside contender, former Governor Larry Hogan has announced that if Trump is the nominee, Hogan will support him. And he hasn’t even announced yet either.

After eight long years of Trump saturation, it’s only normal to elevate him to the top of the concern list every dan time his name comes up. But not this time. What Ronna Romney McDaniel is trying to avoid is having the entire moderate GOP base split apart if Trump is nominated, and the sore losers flip him double barrel birds or not, it will be interesting to see what the sore losers do if the Trumpster Fire gets the nomination. Just stick a pin in this one.

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  1. I really doubt that McDaniel thinks she needs a loyalty pledge to keep Pence et al. from running third-party campaigns in 2024. Unlike Trump, they’re all dependent on GOP campaign resources and would never run against the party candidate. They’d rather establish their bona fides and prepare themselves for 2028, when Trump will be out of the picture one way or another. If any of them really hankered to run a third-party campaign, they could tear up their pledges just as easily as Trump could have in 2016. Of course, this still leaves the question unanswered: Why DID McDaniel float this ridiculous proposal? I confess that I have absolutely no idea….

    • Granted my friend…But what she SOESN’T want is them pulling their supporters from Trump in a pissing contest going into November…Look at the fallout over the “Bernie bros” after 2016…

  2. You keep speaking of moderates. I don’t see any. jeb! was a moderate, maybe rubio, otherwise there are no moderates left. not one business first republican is running or even plans to run.

  3. Well I think Murphs right. That’s the point. And Trump needs the GOP as much or more than the others. Trump has his base but that’s it. He needs the flock to win. And he’s going to royally kiss ass to get it. That’s what traitor elect Ronna is setting up. No one on the gop side of the ticket including the orange idiot will win without at least half of ronnas flock of morons.


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