It’s always a good idea if you’re talking about politics to actually know something about politics. Or any topic, for that matter. A discussion on baseball falls flat if only one of the parties knows that baseball is the little round ball and not the spheroid pigskin one that players carry through a goalpost. Eric Trump was asked about his father becoming Speaker of the House of Representatives and true to form, he doesn’t know the first thing.

Har de har har, a bigggg gavel for the tiny hands. Good one, Eric. Donald Trump becoming Speaker of the House is political fan fiction. It can’t happen. Why’s that? Because the GOP itself says so. It’s right there in the House Republican Conference Rules of the 118th Congress, which were approved in January, when My Kevin took the helm.

Rule 26—Temporary Step Aside of a Member of Leadership who is Indicted

(a) A member of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.

(b) If a member of the Republican Elected Leadership is indicted, the Republican Conference shall meet and elect a Member to temporarily serve in that position.

And yes, they could probably change the rule to accommodate Trump. That is a possibility. I don’t see any of this as a probability. I see it as comedy and wishful thinking. Although, that said, bring it on. Trump can only make himself look stupider and worsen the lot of the GOP if this fantasy came true.

And you knew this was coming, right?

And Trumpty himself played with the idea. How could he not, his ego is being stroked? He loves nothing more.

Would an “interim Speaker” as Marge suggests, be subject to Rule 26? I don’t know. Let’s just say that legality and ethics don’t seem to be too much of a burden for this particular congress, at least not the lower chamber.

This is apropos of nothing but I had to include it because it’s so funny.

We do need that kind of a keen intellect leading the House, right?

I would have thought that Trump was too busy with trials and Truthing and all that, but maybe he doesn’t have enough to keep him busy.

For the moment it looks like Steve Scalise or Jim Jordan are going to stumble out of the pack and one of them will inherit the gavel. Although bear in mind that this is Trump world we speak of, and the only thing you can be certain of is that nothing is certain.

Expect things to get loonier before they assume some semblance of settling down.

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  1. I am thinking that this could be an opportunity for the majority of repubs in the house, who are not Maga, to reclaim their chamber. If they do 2 things: get rid of Matt Gaetz and modify the rule about motions to vacate that would require say, 50% of the party to bring it to a vote.
    Whether this happens remains to be seen.

  2. Obviously, Margarine (as usual) hasn’t really thought her idea all the way through. If Trump were to become Speaker, he would literally not be able to do any of the things she says he’d do. Why? Because he won’t have a vote on a single issue. Every previous Speaker–being an elected member of the House itself–has been able to vote on issues, even join in on debates but Trump’s only ability would be to start a session, end the session and announce the time for votes.

    And, after considering that rule a little more carefully, it really wouldn’t stop Trump the way people seem to think it would. Why? The rule clearly states “a member of the Republican leadership” and then “a member of the ELECTED Republican leadership.” Yes, Trump has attached himself to the GOP, but that still doesn’t mean he’s part of the “Republican leadership” (and, as noted above, without the ability to cast a vote–since he’s not an elected representative–he can’t really be part of the “leadership” except in an “honorary” manner).

  3. Rule 26 is only going to keep former guy out of the speakership position if the ‘pubes allow it to do so. Since republican is a synonym for hypocrite, I would not count on them paying any attention at all to Rule 26.

  4. Nominate Trump as SOTH, impeach Biden and Harris for, something, something, Hunter Biden’s laptop. Mango Mussolini becomes POTUS again and pardons himself.
    Brilliant plan!


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