No need to wait for Saturday night or Saturday Night Live, although with this going on, there is no doubt in my mind but that they will chime in bigly. Katie Britt’s SOTU speech hit a solid nerve last night and not the one that she hoped it would. OMG, no. Even Sean Hannity told her earlier today, “I hope you haven’t looked at social media.” I don’t know if you have been over to Twitter, but the pieces you’re about to see are howlers. If Twitter gives something the equivalent of an Oscar, these will be among the top contenders. Plus, as you will see in the second clip here, Britt is a liar. A bald faced liar. The story she told last night of the serially raped woman is a Four Pinocchios level lie. And Britt knows it. Let us begin.

Is that not something? I feel like my head wants to do Linda Blair spins right now. Now this one is also Oscar level. MOSKer level? Maybe that’s what a Twitter/X award could be called, an MOSKer. Give these folks one.

Bookmark this last tweet above, in case anybody ever says to you, “What’s the definition of a pretentious bitch?” You’ll find no better example.

And Britt won’t be alone on SNL tomorrow night. This guy looks as stupid if not more so.

Mike Johnson is 52 and he looks like he’s still 14. Many men get more handsome as they age. Life gives them a seriousness and a gravity that they simply didn’t have when they were younger. Look at our most famous actors. They may start out young and pretty but as they mature, they’re even more handsome in their fifties and even their sixties because life and experience create character and bearing.

Johnson has none of that. He looks like a young punk and he is a young punk. He is not a statesman. He has no gravity. He would never in a million years have become House Speaker in any kind of a normal, functioning GOP.

This are the dregs of the party here, Britt and Johnson, as the party breathes its last and walks into the tar pit, following Donald Trump to the bitter end.

Maybe we should start thinking about changing the GOP’s name right now. The current MAGA GOP can be TNP, or Trump Nazi Party, that will work and what will come after it? Postru? As in post-Trump? Or is that too foreign and exotic? Too much like Nosferatu? How about the CAT party, which is Conservatives After Trump? Now I’m a cat lover so I have mixed feelings so maybe it should be RATs, Republicans After Trump.

Maybe that’s where this is going, to the RAT party. I better not be the only one thinking these thoughts. The GOP is finished and somebody has to rebuild from the ruins. They better start thinking about what is coming. Or, they can just keep losing.


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  1. RAT? Rapist And Traitors? How about AAA. Anti-American Ass holes.

    As to the socalled Old GOP and Conservatives, well I don’t see one damn thing that is different from the New GOP. Small government, strong military and personal responsibility translated means racism and rule by the rich. They have used the Constitution as toilet paper and completely ignored the preamble from jump street.

    • True. It started with slave owners talking about how all are created equal, meaning only white men who owned property. Build a house on lies…expect a con man eventually, and we’ve had our share.

  2. I had a LOT of thoughts while watching Britt’s bad performance art, one of which after a while kept popping into my head: Is she ever going to STFU? Think about it. These rebuttals usually run five or six minutes. Some have gone on a bit longer I guess, but Britt went on (and on, and on, and on….) for several times the normally allotted time. If even conservative outlets were having WTF? reactions you can bet the talking heads were sitting there grousing to each other that she was camera hogging, stealing THEIR time to pontificate! Even if the whole thing hadn’t been so weird and creepy (and over & badly acted) they’d have been pissy about how long she spoke. Maybe, since she/the GOP knew that roughly six minutes are allotted the decision was made to push the limit in the hopes that that one or more of the “liberal” networks (as in NOT Fox to their way of thinking) would cut away and they could run around screaming about it.

    It’s a damned tough gig and odds are against doing well. As an observer of this little slice of SOTU nights it seems to me if someone can get through it without becoming the butt of jokes that’s about the best they can hope for. I happen to agree with those who say it should be done away with. Once upon a time the “official” response was pretty much it but we’ve long since passed the time where it was one person giving a response. There’s always a small crowed of others putting out their own “response” and the “official” one is just part of a group of rebuttals.

    I’ll bet when looking back Britt will wish she’d stuck to the standard five or six minutes. Even with a similar demeanor and delivery she’d have been panned but not to the degree that’s taking place or will continue. THIS was one of those rebuttals that will be remembered forever and as is almost always the case with the memorable ones NOT in a good way.

    I still think the only really good one was Joe Kennedy III’s rebutal where he stood on a small platform/stage surrounded by a small crowd (fifty or sixty people maybe) in a casual setting, and he himself was dressed casually in slacks and shirt sleeves with no tie. It was a hit and his framing of the old political thinking of we can’t do everything and there’s this choice or that choice into a mantra of “Why not both” seemed to be his launch into a long career that might one day put him in the WH. Of course the young Congress Critter blew it by getting impatient and challenging Markey for his Senate seat. Blew up his career by letting that rep. he’d built from his SOTU rebuttal go to his head.

    I honestly don’t know why anyone who wants to have a future in politics and advance would want, much less take the gig.

    • The biggest surprise, even in these days of journalistic malfeasance, is that every media outlet carrying her….whatever in the f*ck that was…did not just turn her off with statements like “ok, enough of the crazy woman for now” after maybe two or three minutes. At least they should have had a clue she was off her rocker in a big way after five minutes. Thankfully some folks were paying attention and able to call her out for her lies (thanks Christine, etc.!). Pity the magats either won’t know about it or won’t listen if by chance they do see the rebuttals to her unhinged ranting.

  3. Actually Mikey looks like a glass handing Youth Minister who gets caught being jacked off by a 13 year-old boy or I’m preventing A 15 year-old girl and is immediately fired . Who am I.kidding? It would take at least three girls complaining because we all know women lie.


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