Generally, when we think about the MAGA attempts to strip women of their rights we think too narrowly and focus primarily on reproductive health. Of course, women’s rights are far broader and we best well remember that because a powerful MAGA influencer thinks women’s autonomy has to be reversed about 200 years, and he’s got an odd angle on how far he’s willing to go.

Ethan Schmidt says that women – at least single women – shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs, especially male dogs. It is “cringeworthy.”

And while Schmidt says that women should lose their freedom in many ways, kept out of politics, kept out of corporate America, the military, the police, the dog thing isn’t just weird, it’s an opportunity to shine a flashlight deep into the alpha male MAGA mind.

This guy says that he’s been attacked many times by male dogs owned by single women. (He allows that perhaps a married woman might be able to have a dog).

At no point does he consider whether it might be because dogs are nature’s “character-detector” and when he’s been attacked by a woman’s dog, it’s not because the woman can’t control their dog.

No. Both the woman and her dog sense Ethan’s hatred and the dog moves to defend his owner.

Dear all dogs in heaven, I hope Ethan isn’t implying any sort of sexual issues when he notes that it cringes him up.

That’s too bad.

Good looking guy, cut… put my mind, one that respects women and can keep a woman snorting in laughter over dinner, in that body and I’d probably never lack any company at night.

But if Ethan wants the best women, the smartest, funniest, cutest, and most successful… well, you don’t start out by telling her she shouldn’t be allowed in the military, the police, politics, or to own “Burt,” her precious rottweiler that jogs with her and protects her from guys like Ethan.

I am almost certain that Ethan favors people having near-unlimited gun ownership for self-protection. That’s highly ironic.

In study after study, a gun in the house is far more likely to kill a member of that household than an intruder, whether through domestic violence, an accident, or suicide.

On the other hand, the single most effective home security system is a giant WOOF in the dark behind a closed door or window! And a dog is the one “weapon” on earth that can’t be turned on the owner, which is why police use them so much.

And maybe male dogs just like to fck with Ethan generally.

He’s an ass and thinks he’s powerful enough to rule over women. Maybe dogs just get a kick out of taking him down a notch or two.
[email protected], @JasonMiciak, SUBSTACK: ONE WEEK… THAT CHANGED AMERICA



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  1. Yeah, those dogs know a potential rapist when they see one, and they will PROTECT! Ladies, stay clear of this guy, and be sure to keep your dogs at your side.

    • ^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^
      How can the poor MAGAts get a date (which the rest of us call rape!) if women are allowed to have dogs to protect them from the MAGAts?

  2. Strange that a decent looking guy like this is such a misogynist. Most of the time they’re total dweebs who couldn’t get a date if they offered to pay. How does any woman stay in the MAGA cult with guys like this speaking for them? Founding father? He’s as delusional as TFG.

    • Good looks are in the eye of the beholder. This guy. This strutting, swaggering misogynist doofus? Not appealing. And not nearly as Manly Manâ„¢ as he thinks. My late first husband had 3black belts and 2brown, studied kendo, was a competition fencer in high school.and college, never had to.boast or threaten. He didn’t look.scary. But idiots who went after women learned the hard way how dangerous a soft-spoken, easy-going, mellow man could be. One friend introduced him.this way:”This is Tim. He knows a hundred different ways to.kill you. Be polite.”
      I like dogs much better than GOP wannabe rapists. Mattie Gets v. an Irish wolf bound or Great Dane or Shepherd? Mattie loses so.hard it’s hilarious.

  3. He’s been attacked multiple times by dogs, what bullshit! He should at least have some scars to prove this claim. Maybe there on his tiny, twisted brain.

  4. Hey there little red riding hood…you sure are looking good…you’re anything that a big bad wolf…er…dog would want…YEOWL..!

    • Except he isn’t that terrific looking. The swagger. The arrogance. He isn’t a Dominant. They don’t give off creepy I-would-rape-you-if-I-thought-I-could-get-away-with-it vibes. He is the worst parts of hipster, pick-up-artist, and genetal.smegma GOP. If there is a goddess, he will spend time in jail, or some woman with a handgun will hit him where he thinks (no need for a head shot; his brain is where his manly prowess resides).

  5. I think perhaps the dogs may have turned on him because of what HE planned to do WITH the dogs.
    Lots of sick people out there and I am willing to bet a number of red hats indulge.

  6. Of course he doesn’t think women should have protection dogs. Dogs can’t be fooled by his blustering BS. “MAGA influencer” is all I need to know about that person. Translation: Massively insecure, ersatz “alpha male” incel with a micro-genital complex. 🙄

  7. Someone always has to complain about something.
    He is really complaining that the only woman that ever dated him had a dog that sensed he was an asshole.

  8. WTF? What is super weird super cringe is this delusional moron. I’ve never heard of such nonsense. It’s the 21st century and we’re trying to progress, trying to go forward, optimizing opportunities for the greatest number of people. Yet we have a**hats like this clown and his repug party dragging us backwards with their evil, destructive actions, especially the ones targeting women. Insanity runs rampant. We need to get the mental hospitals re-opened and greatly expanded. There are a lot of maggots out there requiring treatment.

  9. Since everything MAGA Republicans say is projection, I take it that Ethan Schmidt wants to bugger Fido. What else is there to take away from this?

  10. I think this putz needs an object lesson-just try to take my sister’s male pittie away from her. IF the dog doesn’t make him rethink this stupid notion (hey, he could drown the fool in slobber), her shotgun will mean he will no longer bother people with his stupidity ever again. I think this idiot will not be among the living much longer especially if he actually does more than just spout asininity.

    • Good looks are in the eye of the beholder. This guy. This strutting, swaggering misogynist doofus? Not appealing. And not nearly as Manly Manâ„¢ as he thinks. My late first husband had 3black belts and 2brown, studied kendo, was a competition fencer in high school.and college, never had to.boast or threaten. He didn’t look.scary. But idiots who went after women learned the hard way how dangerous a soft-spoken, easy-going, mellow man could be. One friend introduced him.this way:”This is Tim. He knows a hundred different ways to.kill you. Be polite.”
      I like dogs much better than GOP wannabe rapists. Mattie Gets v. an Irish wolf bound or Great Dane or Shepherd? Mattie loses so.hard it’s hilarious.

  11. I know it’s a very, very low bar but dogs are WAY BETTER than this bottom dweller.

    Reminds me of an old joke.

    Guy goes into a bar, hits on a woman who isn’t interested in him or his crude behavior.

    He says, “What? Are you a lesbian?”

    She says, “Are you the alternative?”


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