The asset that Vladimir Putin developed back in the 80’s has turned out to be quite a profitable one. Putin has used his useful idiot discovery, the failed businessman from Queens with delusions of ability, to fulfill Nikita Khrushchev’s 1956 prophecy, “We will take you over without firing a shot. We will destroy you from within.” Nikita always knew there would be such a being, and then along came Donald Trump. I daresay that Putin regards Trump as Morpheus regarded Neo, as The One.

And Trump has not disappointed. He always follows the promptings of his Moscow Master, unhesitatingly. America has waited to hear what Trump had to say about the death of Aleksei Navalny in a Siberian prison last week. True to form, he uses Navalny’s death as a lead in to talk about himself and his own problems. The Hill:

“The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION!”

The inference here takes quite a leap in logic. Trump is saying that Navalny was victimized (sudden death) and that he too is being victimized (he should be allowed to go scot free for his lawbreaking, you see) and then goes on to list a litany of complaints. He manages to tie in the death of Navalny, a political dissident in a dictatorship, and make it be about his own repeated breaking of the laws in a democracy. In essence, he’s equivocating the murder of a feared political rival with being held accountable (or soon to be) for civil wrongs and crimes, which he himself committed. Put on a tinfoil hat, you’re going to need it to explain this one. Talk about twisted, tortured logic. Not to mention the logic of a child. He’s not sorry he went into the cookie jar but he’s terribly sorry that he got caught with his hand in it.

Trump, the leading candidate to become the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, has often spoken warmly of Putin and expressed a desire to have a closer relationship with Russia. He has faced widespread criticism from Democrats for his rhetoric, as well as some Republicans who view him as cozying up with dictators such as Putin.

Nikki Haley came along with something almost as bizarre, if you can believe that.

“Donald Trump could have condemned Vladimir Putin for being a murderous thug,” Haley said in a statement. “Trump could have praised Navalny’s courage. Instead, he stole a page from liberals’ playbook, denouncing America and comparing our country to Russia.”

Um….liberals denounce America and compare us to Russia? Which liberals, exactly? I have missed something bigly here.

Life in primary season at the GOP, in the year 2024, the year that history will record the Republican party was finally destroyed by Trump, as Lindsey Graham had predicted would happen nine years earlier. The GOP should have listened to Lindsey. And Lindsey should have listened to himself.

It’s going to be messy and ugly sweeping up after the elephant this time. Democrats always come along after all is said and done and clean up the Republican mess, but this one is going to be gargantuan. Sweeping up elephant shite is one thing, sweeping up a herd of dead elephants is something else altogether.


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  1. Nikki often starts out okay, but before she’s done she says something mean and stupid, like she’s done here. I often forget how much I dislike her till she gets to the bash Dems/libs/Biden part of her speeches. I think she’d be more popular with regular repugs if she left that nasty part unsaid.

  2. I think it goes a bit further. He is indicating that if he does,suddenly (,not at all unlikely considering his diet and the fact that he is roughly the size of the Goodyear blimp),_he will.have been murdered, either at Biden’s behest or some crazed Radical.Leftist (I used capitals because Fat Donnie would). He eats so much fast food because no one knows he is gonna order there,so he can’t be poisoned. And yes, he has ALWAYS Bern that paranoid and delusional.


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