Is it medication or teeth issues that cause Trump’s slurred speech? Anybody know? Or maybe he’s just not sleeping well and I can understand that. I don’t think too many of us would be getting much rest if we had five trials, or was it six, coming up in the next year, along with a schedule of rallies and grift to monetize a run for the presidency.

As we’ve shared here, Trump is constantly melting down in all-caps on social media these days. But here he is in a video meltdown and he’s cleaning house. This is the dictator within coming forth. He’s calling out the GOP establishment by name and scathingly denouncing them, one and all. And he mentions money. And donors. That’s the only red flag I need to see to know that Trump is hurting financially and he needs to rally the troops and get that small donor spigot producing and pronto.

Whatever you do, Republican Nation, don’t listen to the Republicans. Huh? Don’t ask me. I just know if a Democrat did this, s/he’d be gently taken off stage and to a nice place with trees and babbling brooks and medical supervision 24/7. And there s/he could garden and draw and read and feel safe until the exact nature of the psychosis was determined. But since this is Trump, nobody is doing anything. He is literally having a mental breakdown in public — which would be weird enough if he wasn’t the frontrunner on one of the two major political parties ticket. I’m just waiting for him to say, “They won’t have Donald Trump to kick around anymore.”

Richard Nixon was an unloved man or at least felt himself to be. That was Henry Kissinger’s take on it. I’m sure his wife, Pat, was a decent enough gal and probably his daughters loved him to some extent but if you don’t get enough love in childhood and a lot of people don’t, you can grow up warped. And warped, unloved people going into politics is a disaster, as we all have observed.

And I would love to have an answer to the central question: does he take meds and are they mind altering? Because I can’t believe he gets this way on golf and Diet Coke.

The desperation is palpable. You can feel it. Here’s another example.

First of all, where’s the Elvira costume? I haven’t seen Kimberly with a neckline that isn’t down to her waist in I don’t remember how long. But apart from that, her last sentence is interesting, “he’s ready to stop it, once and for all.” Vote for Trump and he’ll kick the asses of everybody MAGA doesn’t like….until he kicks MAGA’s ass. The sad part is they don’t believe that. We should send them all an email with a link to “Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces” party and maybe that will get through.

The Mistress of Dark MAGA has about the same number of podcast listeners as we have readers here, do you love it? She’s got an audience of about 300K and we had 348K users last month. Just thought I’d throw that in. I don’t know if she’s getting rich from her podcast, and let’s face it, there aren’t too many gigs like introducing Trump on January 6 for ninety seconds and getting paid $60,000. But, somehow Kim manages to keep her mansion in Palm Springs.

I saw another clip of Kim during this same podcast and her eyes were literally glazing over as she interviewed Ric Grenell. Maybe this gig is getting boring. And let’s face it, unless Trump announces when he loses in 2024 that he actually won and now he’s running in 2028, she’s not going to have much of an audience for this.

But now you see it all first hand. It’s only mid-October, 2023, the election is a full year away, but there’s enough going south to where MAGA world is desperate as hell.


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  1. Awww, he’s just projecting. Everything he’s reading off the teleprompter is his own failures. Kimberly is another story. Gaaah.

    • I just find it phenomenal that he’s the “Republican” candidate yet he hates all the other “Republicans.” You know what that means, right? He’s the biggest RINO of them all. And if the GOP has any sense, that’s how they’ll sell him from here on out, is the crazy man who claims to be one of us. But I don’t think any of them have the guts.

  2. Magats and ‘pubes see the Leopards Eating Peoples’ Faces party behavior every day. I hate to sound like a broken record but what is wrong with these people? Why are they so damned stupid?

    • The answer to that question is, The first dose of Cool aid was mixed wrong, just a hint of poison and some even went back for more, but the frontline crew, lead by two of the weakest minds in Congress, Gym Jordon and Rusty Gates have stalled the Circus Train at the Depot two cities away, half the animals got off the train and no one seems able to round them up …


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