Mark Meadows stunned people today when he asked for a stay of Judge Steve Jones’ recent court order that his election racketeering case be kept in Georgia and not removed to federal court. It looks like Meadows plans to delay the inevitable every which way he can. And that leads to a speculation that he is doing so for two reasons: the first and most obvious, he wants to stay out of prison as long as possible and two, he is hoping, praying, probably casting spells, that Donald Trump wins in 2024 so he can be pardoned. Trump is Obi Wan Kenobi to Meadows’ Princess Leah, he is Meadows’ only hope.

There is a Georgia statute regarding pardons, which states that no pardon can go into effect until some time has been served. Maybe that’s what Meadows is trying to escape. My gut reaction here is that he’s simply trying to stay out of a prison cell as many days and nights as possible, because his case is going to be tried in Georgia, it looks like, unless there’s some new evidence that we haven’t seen which will come forth. That said, of course Meadows has the legal right to exhaust every possible available legal remedy and he’s got a few bucks, so he will pay for that right.

Meadows desperately needs to get the case out of Georgia, however. If Meadows is convicted in Georgia, or any state court, even Trump can’t pardon him and that’s a long shot to be depending on Trump. But if the case stays in Georgia, then Meadows has to live with the outcome and it’s obvious that he simply does not want to accept that fact.

This is an interesting development to watch. The legal scholars will have to weigh in on what they think the 11th Circuit will do. It’s above my pay grade. But unless Meadows’ lawyer has found something new and compelling, on what we know right now, it appears that Meadows is just going through the motions and that this is just one more desperate act.

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  1. Meadows REEKS of desperation at this point. I can’t help but wonder what crimes are there he hasn’t yet been charged for. Early on he could have saved himself and all of us a lot of trouble and cut a deal with prosecutors. No one would have liked it. Meadows would still have had to do some time (like John Dean) but at least a minimal amount and in a minimum security federal prison. He’d have hated that. I’d have been outraged and I’ll bet you would have too. But had he done so the prosecution and conviction of Trump and so many others would already be done. And, like John Dean a time would come when most of us could both condemn his facilitating Presidential criming but also holding a measure of respect for him coming clean and accepting some actual consequences for his actions. Instead we have this sniveling “Please, PLEASE don’t hold me accountable!” azzhole who would lick Trump’s ball sweat on stage on live TV to avoid what he’s got coming to him.

  2. Let’s not forget that both Mr. and Mrs. Meadows believe that GOD anointed Trump for a 2nd term (actually that Trump should be in power now). They are true believers in the message of the Trump prophets like Julie Green and Hank Kunneman. Having come from this particular brand of evangelicalism (but not now), I understand the emotional pull of the “God’s Will” argument. I guarantee the Meadows start the day with a prayer for Trump and that God smite his enemies. I appreciate that Politizoom does focus on this religious extremism because in the grand stream we continue to ignore them to our detriment.

  3. I have a suggestrion for legislation, Federal ans in al states and territories. Every trial delay requested by a criminal defendant who is not in detention would, if ultimately convicted, be added to their sentance. This would apply to defendants released on bail or on own recognizance, but only to delays requested by th defendant, not to any delay requested by the prosecution.


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