Watching the 11th Hour on MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle thankfully promised it wasn’t a drinking game as she threw shade at Ron DeSantis.  She played a clip from him speaking in Iowa, and there was a cadence to his remarks that made be want to puke.  (Remember, June 6/D-Day and the war in Europe.  Listen to DeSantis (if can take almost a half-minute of him!):

If you remember much of your history, then I’m willing to bet if you haven’t already after listening to the man DeSantis is trying to imitate then like me you’ll feel equally disgusted and nauseous.  That a pissant thug like DeSantis would steal from an iconic and inspiration moment Winston Churchill provided at a time when his country and the world was facing the very Nazism that DeSantis wants to recreate.

DeSantis isn’t on the level of Hitler but that sumbitch sure as hell aspires to be.  He’s done an awful lot to turn the state he governs into a fascist one.  He wants to do the same to the entire country.  And he’s stealing style of speaking, and rewriting the work of a true leader who against all odds and against (for a time) the will of most in his own government inspired the people of his country to endure.

DeSantis basically is swapping the word “fight” for “woke.”  Hey Ron, if there is a hell then your inspiration Hitler is down there waiting for you.  And Satan?  He’ll have a merry old time starting each session of making you scream in pain with “WOKE time!”

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  1. He can join Hitler’s punishment in Hell in the movie Little Nicky…a pineapple up the keyster every morning without lube. Sounds about right. I’d settle for waterboarding…but you can’t always get what you want, as the Stones say.

  2. Of course desantis stole from one of the great leaders/statesmen who ever lived: he is incapable of any kind of original and productive thinking much like that wife of his is capable of dressing herself to be…herself.

    You know, there is a reason why the piss ant is dumbing down FL: he hates being intellectually out-classed by your average middle schooler.

  3. Oh, look at DeSantis and his ass kissers playing dress up in the jeep (picture top of article). My kids quit playing that around age 7.

    DeSantis will NEVER have the intelligence or charisma of Churchill. Gillum was so close to winning the election.

  4. YOU know, I kinda think you’re wrong about this, Denis. I don’t think the idiot or anyone in his entourage has the slightest clue about any part of history more than a few years ago. Personally, I don’t think they have the slightest freakin’ clue about the similarity between the two speeches. Personally, I just think it’s random. A fluke. But hey, I learned long ago I’m an idiot, so what do I know?

    • Unlike Trump DeSantis didn’t have a father rich enough to buy him entry into an Ivy League school. DeSantis got both his Bachelor and Law Degrees in the Ivy League. Harvard and Yale although I don’t recall offhand which from which school. So while he might be politically clueless and tin-eared he’s not stupid. He learned history growing up just like you and I did and he knew damn well who Churchill was, his rise and fall but in particular his leadership in WWII. More importantly he knows that despite longstanding GOP efforts to dumb down education in this country most school kids learn this stiff even now. So I guess we are respectfully in disagreement on this. I still say he was trying to invoke an association with Churchill’s greatness (at least during WWII) in his remarks.

  5. He’s more like Churchill in the days of the Gallipoli disaster! Of course, after his downfall, Churchill enlisted and went to the front lines to prove himself. I don’t see go go boots ronny sashaying to join any real fight. The ‘bravery’ of the gop stops at wearing ak47 pins on their Italian made suits.

  6. Most of these idjits don’t know who Churchill was and are clueless about DeDaster trying to copy it. You never get in.most history classes. And I suspect the smarmy puke thinks the Holocaust is exaggerated, if not completely false. A lot if the mouth breathers ate wildly anti-Semitic. They only support Israel.because it must exist for the End Times to happen. 144,000 Jews will convert to Christianity while the rest go to Help along with everyone else they hate: uppity feminists, PoC who aren’t fundies, people who know the Bible better than they do, all non-Christians, Democrats, LGBTQ people, and none easy libersl.or mainstream Christians and Catholics.


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