“Slip sliding away, slip sliding away, you know the nearer your destination the more you’re slip sliding away.” — Paul Simon

Another week, another poll, this one from the Competitiveness Coalition and the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, done by NMB Research, shows Ron DeSantis sinking yet again. He’s now tied with Nikki Haley for second place, which is not going to be good going into South Carolina where she’s a favorite.

The poll found Donald Trump at 47%, DeSantis and Haley at 10%, Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy both at 8% and Mike Pence and others trailing at 5%.

The second choice ballot shows DeSantis at 20% with Ramaswamy at 18% and Haley at 15%

Maybe this isn’t so bad after all. DeSantis has always been playing understudy and depending on a Trump upset, a criminal conviction or two would do, and this 14th Amendment debate certainly looks promising, he might still squeak to the top of the ballot somehow. Interesting how GOP politics works nowadays isn’t it? Forget about being the best in a field of comers, just squeak into second place so when the standard bearer either goes to prison or is precluded from running by the Constitution, you’re standing there waiting to take control. Definitely a case of first impression.

And this poll was taken after DeSantis refused to meet with Joe Biden in Florida. That part is a bit surprising. When condos were collapsing back in the day, and Biden stepped in to help, DeSantis acted like a normal person and thanked the president. I wonder what his logic is in letting Rick Scott do the honors?

All DeSantis’ eggs are in the Iowa caucus basket and all that can be said to that is, “Remember 2016 when Ted Cruz won in Iowa?” Oh, what a wild time that was. Iowans were miffed. When Trump got the nomination at the convention, the entire delegation stormed out. I wonder what visions we’ll see in 2024?

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  1. Yeah, by the numbers you’ve got Trump down on the mat getting the count. But you have these morons out there with their third party bullshit. I was thinking of another race that had a third party where he was doing good. Can’t remember the details but would be interesting to pull up some of the old storylines. I be referring to the George Wallace crazy cakes. I believe he even got shot and ended up in a wheelchair. Also believe he was something of a outspoken racist from either Alabama or Georgia. Come on guys, get your thinking caps out and dust off the laptops and delve into a little history.


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