Aww, gee, Ron? Why’d you have to go and delete that really cool video with the sonnenrad and Nazi soldiers marching and then it went to a fade in where you wore the Nazi symbol like a crown? I mean, Dude, you were really telling the people who you were there. This is what they need to know about you. Oh, that’s why you did it? Bummer.

It’s another day ending in a “y” and time for Ron DeSantis’ Gaffes du Jour. Today’s disaster arises from another video. He decided to leave the video with images of himself wedged in between oiled up body builders and Brad Pitt’s Achilles up, but this one he decided to take down, because open Nazi symbolism is still a bridge too far.

Raw Story reports:

Podcast host Luke Thompson of “Constitutionally Speaking” spotted the symbol and explained it is a sonnenrad. The symbol is an ancient European symbol used by Nazis while idealizing “Aryan/Norse” cultures, explained the Anti-Defamation League.

“In Nazi Germany, the Nazi Party, the SA and the SS all used sonnenrad symbology at times, which has led neo-Nazis and other modern white supremacists to adopt such images,” the group explained.

In DeSantis’ version, the outer part of the circle says “Make America Florida,” which has been his slogan.

While the campaign deleted the video, Thompson reposted it, ensuring the campaign couldn’t deny it existed.

Go to the 1:00 mark and you’ll see the Nazi sonnenrad and DeSantis’ face. At 1:04 the image is DeSantis wearing the sonnenrad like a halo, or a crown. As to Make America Florida, Florida is on the list of the ten worst states in the country to live and work. The homeowners insurance has skyrocketed as have the rents. Doctors and nurses are leaving the state in droves. Construction is difficult because of the anti-immigrant hostility and the anti-gay fervor and ongoing war with Disney, the state’s largest employer, is not winning points with a lot of people either. Florida is scarcely a role model for the rest of the country. It’s tragic what has happened there on DeSantis’ watch.

Alright class, time for a review. What have we learned here?

  1. DeSantis is the new orange monster, the Uber Trump, an evil Medusa with tentacles like Nazi lightning bolts coming out of his head?
  2. DeSantis is hell bent on appealing to the worst angels of our nature and turning this country into a dystopian hell?
  3. DeSantis has no remote clue what any of his staffers are doing and that’s why it’s one catastrophe after another?
  4. Ron and Casey don’t want to be Jack and Jackie, they want to be Adolph and Eva?
  5. All of the above.

To add insult to injury, The New York Times revealed that the first video of the shirtless men was created by a staffer on the team, not a professional campaign ad company. It’s unclear if this video was similarly crafted in-house.

If I had to lay a bet, I’d bet that this was crafted in-house. There is a clear mentality bleeding through here, one that I’m sure has Stephen Miller green with envy and Steve Bannon jiggling the cash register keys.

The sooner DeSantis is in the rear view mirror, the better off the country will be.


Friends, we are about 25% towards our fundraising goal. If you can spare anything, please go to PayPal and access [email protected]. I’ll stop bugging everybody about money when we’ve reached our goal and we can stop worrying about how Space Karen is going to negatively impact our bottom line.


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  1. So, the short statured proto-facist has hidden his attempt to subtly parade his true colours. Too late. The narcissistic angry little man child has injuriously revealed his fatal attraction to, and practice of, his version of Trumpism and its invented form of localised fascism. He’ll come to know and understand that anything Trump touches dies. Here’s an interesting read. See:

  2. I do hope Kate Bush denounces his use of her music for this horrific propaganda piece against democracy.I find it far stranger (intended) that there are approximately 73 million of our country’s inhabitants who equate freedom with dictatorship. And they call the rest of us sheep. Predictable projection as always. The most aggrieved want the most damage beyond their personal injury. Share it,don’t heal it. I don’t know how to mind my own f-ing business and just live my life. if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. That’s an oldie, but a goodie. in a world, this big, how many people do you encounter on a daily basis that actually damage you personally? Just askin’. I have a magnet on my refrigerator from a kitsch store in the early 80s, with a “father knows best”
    Dad smoking a pipe and it says “therapy taught me it was all your fault.”


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