Rick Wilson said recently that “Florida is the center of crazy for the universe” and Ron DeSantis’ announcement that flags in the state will be lowered to half mast to commemorate the passing of Rush Limbaugh, who hated gays, women, POCs, you name it, certainly proves the truth of the comment. Just like California was called “the altered state” and has been the vanguard of cultural changes for many decades, Florida is now the capitol of Wingnuttia, apparently, and proud of it.

Here is Limbaugh making very ugly, racist cracks. TRIGGER WARNING: This is included just to show who Limbaugh was and whom DeSantis thinks is worthy of state honors. This is ugly, listen if you can handle it. That an American flag would be lowered for this is horrifying.

Limbaugh stopped doing music and sports on the radio when he found out that hate sold so much better. And now Ron DeSantis has elevated the king of Hate Radio, with his gesture of flags at half staff — and of course Trump gave Limbaugh the Medal of Honor.

There is no question that there are two Americas. Absolutely none. The only question is what, if anything, can be done about it? Or is this just the way it is and the way it’s going to stay?


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  1. He’s marking himself as singularly loathsome. He probably thinks this puts him at the head of the line for the 2024 presidential race but I doubt it.

  2. How about we outlaw hate speech, lies, incitement to violence or breaking the law, and disinformation being put out on/in any form of media, with large mandatory fines and long mandatory jail sentences! It would be a good (small) start in the deprogramming of the cult of he who shall not be named.

  3. As I’d hear and say back in another lifetime as in when I was on active duty “Not only NO, but FUCK NO!!!!!
    I’ve called up the contact form to email that p.o.s. DeSantis but I’m literally on hold with his office because I want to have my say in person. Keeping enough control to not lapse into grunt language that would make an old Corps Gunny blush will take every bit of discipline my drill instructors pounded into me all those decades ago but I don’t want them hanging up on me before I’ve finished having my say!


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