Lauren Boebert has the sense of entitlement that little people get when they get elevated to positions way above them. And being a member of Congress is waaaaay above her puny intellect and microscopic character. She puts me in mind of a lawyer I knew. This was a woman who grew up in East L.A., ran with the gangs for a while, and then went to work for the light company processing bills. She put herself through night law school and I give her all credit for that. She then passed the bar exam, kudos for that as well.

But she literally made a cult out of her office and had a sense of entitlement that would blow you away. She hired friends and spouses of friends and she had, not an office, but an incestuous group of people answering to the queen bee. She would be with one of her employees/disciples in a store or restaurant and walk out without paying — knowing that they would hasten to cover her tracks. She lived in such an insulated and rarified world that she honestly believed that she was a goddess. And she was, as long as she didn’t step out of the bubble. She had become a lawyer, in a family where people rarely even finished high school and she thought being a member of the bar made her a god.

Lauren Boebert reminds me of this gal, except ten times worse. At least the woman I’m describing had some brains and some drive and got where she got by dint of hard work and perseverance. So again, kudos for the good stuff. Boebert has none of that. She rode Donald Trump’s freakish coattails into office at the strangest time in American history. She’s part of a freak show. So this excerpt from Meidas Touch, of an article in the Denver Post, won’t surprise you one bit.

Lauren Boebert was reportedly kicked out of a performance of the ‘Beetlejuice’ musical in Denver on Sunday night.

Officials for the venue said she was vaping, singing, illegally recording, and “causing a disturbance” as the show was going on.

An usher reported that Boebert and her companion refused to leave after being asked politely to go. They only left when he threatened to call the police.

Police were called and did arrive, leaving only after Boebert finally left.

This is yet another in a long serious of incidents and brushes with the law from the gun fetishizing representative from Colorado.

This was first reported by the Denver Post.

You see what I’m saying about the sense of entitlement? “Do you know who I am?” You know what I would have said to her? “Honey, it’s nice to be important but it’s important to be nice.” That’s what makes me crazy about this woman, she thinks she is something because she fluked into politics, like her old buddy Madison Cawthorn. And where is he right now?

Boebert loves to have altercations with the cops. She has been cited for being drunk and disorderly, the cops have come to her house on domestic violence charges. Her kid has turned over the SUV in a ditch, and then was too good to show up in court, her husband ran over the neighbor’s mailbox, it simply never ends.

Boebert is trash. Once again, here is a link to donate to her opponent, Adam Frisch. Frisch only lost by about 500 votes last time. Let’s help him bring it home this time. Boebert is an embarrassment.

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  1. The sort of person who says,

    “Do you know who I am?”

    and is then surprised by the answer,

    “Yes we do, that’s why we’re throwing you out”.

  2. No, it simply doesn’t end, but the beginning is quite interesting, with her future husband arrested at a bowling alley for public indecency and lewd exposure after offering to, yes, I don’t have that kind of imagination to make such diddly poo up, two underage girls his TATTOO ON HIS JOHNSON!!

    Even the well known sex offender from The Big Lebowski, Jesus Quintana, would NEVER expose himself at a bowling alley.

    Some people will never abide.

  3. Well, you can take the filthy redneck out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the filthy redneck.

    I told them running electricity to the trailer park would just cause problems.


  4. She and her family are white trash of the lowest order. I see a reality series in her future after her dumb a$$ gets sent packing from congress.
    She should have lost her last election and would have if the DCCC and DNC bothered to invest in her opponent and idiot GOPers will vote for a pile of dog s**t if it has an (R) next to it.
    This is a made-for-TV movie about a hooker (allegedly), who was so “skilled” (allegedly) that a Senator, who was also a client (allegedly), talked her into running for congress.
    Or maybe she can get some Miss Clairol and go back to blonde and return to the line of work that she’s more qualified for (allegedly).


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