The GOP debate is proceeding apace. Ron DeSantis is wearing 4 inch heels. Seriously. He’s a trifle taller than Nikki Haley, who is 5’6″ and she’s wearing three inch heels. But Ronnie’s outdoing her. And he’s slathering on the pancake. The likeability lessons don’t seem to be doing much good, but costuming and make up are tres Hollywood. Guys like Dustin Hoffman and Al Pacino are undoubtedly congratulating DeSantis on how he walks in lifts, because they’ve done it.

Anybody remember that Charlie Sheen movie, The Arrival, where the space aliens look like people that the hero knows and they can hop like grasshoppers? That’s what DeSantis’ leg at that angle reminds me of. If he jumps eight feet straight up in the air, I’m packing up the laptop and going to Canada, I’ll tell you what.

But DeSantis did something memorable here, and Joe Biden thanked him.

There you have it, friends. Marge Greene gave Uncle Joe an ad and now Ron DeSantis has followed suit. Good of the GOPers to help the cause, don’t you think?

And here’s Chris Christie cutting an ad as well.

He doesn’t say the words “when I’m president” with any conviction, but I give him points for taking on Trump.

Then Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley made sense for a few moments.

Ramaswamy is the biggest jerk up there. The others have background, legitimacy, Ramaswamy is doing a show biz reality TV turn and it’s good that somebody is calling him out.

BTW, Trump announced in Michigan tonight that nobody on this stage is going to be his VP or get any cabinet posts. Sorry, Vivek. You’re wasting your time and spinning your wheels.

I guess that puts it down to Marge, Kari, Kristy and Elise.

I don’t know what this is about. Maybe it’s something his wife has coached him to do. You thought it couldn’t get worse but you were wrong.

Now we get to the Tower of Babel section of the debate where everybody talks at once. JFC. Isn’t this what moderators are supposed to handle?

Here, let’s end on Mike Pence’s sex life and then go get the brain bleach.

There’s a reason you’re running dead last, Mike. You’re from another century. And it wasn’t the 20th, it was more like Medieval Times.

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  1. WTF??? Who coached these morons? Looks like the work…drumroll please…of DARK BRANDON!!!! I thought he was too old to pull off getting the wannabes to create campaign sound bites FOR HIM during the republican debate! He’s a phucking genius! Never underestimate old guys.
    What’s with the lifts, makeup, and strange smile(?), on ronny’s face? I couldn’t tell if he was trying to figure out how his facial muscles should move to imitate a smile, or if he sh*t his pants, and was proud of himself for going potty. It will take some time to erase the sex talk from hang em high Mike pence, if that’s what it was.I don’t speak for America, but I dont want to hear about sex between mannequins. Vivek should go to decaf. He reminds me of the first time I snorted crystal meth. Yackety yack at a hundred miles per hour about everything and nothing. Ms Haley reminds me of a mean teacher I had in the fifth grade. She was like the church lady from SNL. She enjoyed hitting you with a paddle for imaginary infractions. When ‘let’s block a bridge’ Chris Christie looks rational, you know it’s a block party full of half wits. What a cast of characters. Next time just give the seven dwarves acid and put them on TV. Oh, right. They were imaginary characters. As imaginary as these asshats’ ambitions for the Oval office. Oh hell. Next time I watch a train wreck like that…give me the acid. It won’t help but I can console myself that the reason I’m seeing and hearing the things I am is because I’M ON DRUGS!!!

  2. I really would like to be in a debate or interview with Vivek Ramaswamy for about 30 seconds. Just so I could be the first to remind him and the country that the Alzheimer drug story he’s so proud of…the one where it didn’t work and human trials would be dangerous…is the plot of “Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes” and the grifting business owner in that movie got just what he deserved: A beating by a gorilla before being thrown 1000′ into San Francisco Bay!! Here’s hoping Vivek gets his just desserts!


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