Every year they’ve been shouting from the rooftops.   From the crew at Fox & Friends in the morning to their evening lineup their opinion “journalists” serve up a diet of ping-ponging between outrage and fainting couch despair over the...
Mueller Report Concluded Too Soon Traitorous Conduct Goes Unpunished WHY? By William Wallace Most Americans viewed the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Prosecutor, with a sigh of relief and heartfelt hope that we would now find the truth and wrongdoers would be...
My name is Maria I am nine years old I lived in El Salvador with my mami and my papi I loved them very much   Bad people killed my papi My mami was afraid all the time She said we had to leave to go away from...
At this juncture in American political history, it’s ubiquitous: Republican hypocrisy is reflexive, axiomatic, and virulent. Nevertheless, a powerful voting bloc’s misrepresentation of the truth, attempts to obfuscate, and overwhelming moral incompetency bears not just being addressed, but soundly...
Really?   Trump’s thinking his “I didn’t want people to panic” equates to Churchill’s “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties” isn’t just b.s. – but delusions of grandeur.   Again.   And dangerous too. Let’s start off with...
A Dark and Cold Sunshiny Day He picked out his own clothes that morning wore his favorite yellow shirt with the red stripes his little-boy jeans and despite his protests the red jacket He looked up briefly from his morning cereal and grinned as his dad leaving to go to...
A WalMart.  In freaking TEXAS!  Six minutes before meaningful police response.  I don’t want to hear about proportions of Hispanics in that city and WalMart or any other nonsense.  We are talking about a WalMart in Texas.  There WERE...
Excuse me while I do not join the crowd of liberal legal pundits who are jumping for joy at the “good fortune” of the Supreme Court’s decision on the criminal investigation into whether Donald Trump’s Crime Incorporated Group of...
By his actions and by his failures to act, this very limited person, our President, has single handedly, wreaked a swath of destruction upon  our democratic procedures and processes and upon our physical and social environment which will take years...
I watched it all Wednesday.   Cover Up General Barr really should resign and officially take over as Trump’s lead personal defense counsel.   For damned sure he should be acting in that capacity as the Attorney General of the United...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead