When I first heard this guy I thought that he had watched the Matrix movies too many times. He speaks of an all inclusive, Eyes Wide Shut kind of Illuminati takeover and of course weaves it into anti-vaxx propaganda. You have to be pretty screwy to swallow any of this, but that said, check out how many people have winded up in ICUs with COVID and their last dying breath is to say, “I was wrong.” It’s frightening. It’s even more frightening when children are the ones in the ICU because the adult whose duty it was to protect them was too busy listening to nonsense like this.

Yeah, the Beach Boys sang about good vibrations in the 60’s. Yep, they did.

Here’s Brian Williams casting a pall as he does so well.

Here’s something I ran across earlier today which got me to thinking. I don’t know if it’s legit or if it’s parody. Anymore you can’t tell.

This is sobering. This reminds me of a sci fi short story I read many years ago. The scene was a post-apocalyptic America and the way the society had decided to prevent another nuclear holocaust was to outlaw technology, basically. Anybody who showed an ability to do math or build machines was subject to criminal penalties and expulsion from the village. And so of course the hero of the story, who had an imaginative mind and dreamt of inventions, had to run away and hide before they came for him with the torches and pitchforks. This is that same mentality.

The comment about “addicted to a dog or a cat” is very strange. Now loving animals is a bad thing that the computer has created? Wow.

A lot of sickos out there.

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  1. Maybe there has been a zombie apocalypse (with invisible zombies that we couldn’t see) and all these nutjobs have had their brains eaten out of their heads. I just don’t have an explanation for any of the random nonsense that falls out of their mouths. Half the time, like with this Levy sheeple, you can’t even understand what the hell they are talking about. I think some of these people have spent too many years watching things like The Walking Dead and somehow managed to totally disconnect themselves from reality, to lose sight of the difference between fiction and reality. There are a lot of them, and like the Walking Dead, they are roaming the earth, trying to destroy themselves and everyone they come into contact with. They’re doing a heck of a job.

  2. There is an explanation. For the last 30 years, education and schools have been short changed financially. Too many parents have dictated what is taught (and it’s not the truth). Kids are allowed to advance through grades without learning anything about civics, political science, natural science, critical thinking. Forget about spelling, composition, sentence structure. Test kids to death and as long as they can pass with a D, no problem. We have a country full of citizens without even a basic education but they sure can get on a computer and watch YouTube, play video games and repeat what they hear that spikes their endorphins.

  3. This is Salem level of stupidity stuff. Scared angry and ignorant they don’t burn people, they instead shoot, beat up and infect people.

    Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s American patriotism now.
    Praise the Atlantic and the Pacific.

    • So does the bit about “more than 200 years of computer diseases” – computers haven’t been around that long, even if you count Babbage’s machines.

      • The word has been around though. it’s original meaning was a person who computed (did calculations) and not a machine.

        I suppose, technically, a ‘computer’ in ancient days could contract the screaming lurgi and infect others.

  4. “This reminds me of a sci fi short story I read many years ago. The scene was a post-apocalyptic America and the way the society had decided to prevent another nuclear holocaust was to outlaw technology, basically. Anybody who showed an ability to do math or build machines was subject to criminal penalties and expulsion from the village. And so of course the hero of the story, who had an imaginative mind and dreamt of inventions, had to run away and hide before they came for him with the torches and pitchforks. This is that same mentality.”

    Ursula, you had to refer to a science fiction story? I can remind you of a REAL-WORLD scenario that did much the same thing: Cambodia’s “killing fields” under the madman Pol Pot.

    In his weird desire to remake Cambodia into a true Communist “worker’s paradise,” he basically ordered all cities to be depopulated and everyone was sent to work on farms. Anyone with a scintilla of intellect was deemed an enemy of the state. Even the mere need for glasses was “evidence” to the regime that the wearer was an intellectual (obviously, the wearer was doing too much reading and, therefore, had strained his eyes to the point he needed corrective wear). Intellectuals (real or perceived) and non-Khmer Rouge politicians and government officials were forced to plead for their lives in “courts” (and most pleas were ignored). A few managed to escape the “killing fields” but most were killed to help Pol Pot fulfill his vision.

    • Just a note, Ursula. I’m still having problems with the site and the name-saving stuff. To send the above comment, I had to enter my name and email address and then checked the “Save my name” box and the “I’m not a robot” bit before posting (even though I’d already posted a comment–after doing all the aforementioned entering–on Murf’s “An Open Letter” article) but, with THIS comment, my name and email address are already entered and the “Save my name” box is checked (all I’m going to have to do is the reCaptcha deal).
      I’d opened a couple of other articles in separate tabs and closed them again after posting the above comment–and then opened them in new tabs and they still require me to enter all the information before posting a comment. So, just thought I’d let you know I’m still having the issues.


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