Chy-nuh knows how to laugh and make a buck at the same time. They did well with the Trump chicken back in the day. Remember that vision?

Now they’ve come up with a sequel to the Trump chicken, Trump Buddha. The truth of the matter is, Trump is the anti-Buddha. Not lying and not stealing are two key components of Buddhism, so there’s no way Trump could actually represent the religion. This is take a troll to the bank. You have to hand it to the Chinese. They have their own P.T. Barnum-esque sense of things and they make a tidy profit from it.

This is the theory I’m going with. If the Chinese hate Buddhism and they hate Trump, then this makes perfect sense. I suppose that this would make an interesting lawn ornament if you had the right sense of humor. It would provide an outlet for Democratic pigeons.

I’m not buying “funny and cute.” At least, those words mean something else to me. Trump is “funny” in the sense of being such a colossal asshole that he doesn’t even know he’s an asshole. That’s his particular genius, is putting together a persona and a con that it resonates with the lowest common denominator. And he found 73 million other assholes to vote for him — terrible thing to say about that many of my countrymen, but that’s how I see it. Maybe the Chinese are banking on all of them buying one of these.

Anybody shoot skeet? These would be great for that.


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    • I started out with a dozen baby trump balloons…I now have 5 left. I gave one to a friend, the rest were used as punching bags. After I popped the first few, I learned to not quite fully inflate them.
      I always thought that one of the large ones should always be where the orange one could see it no matter where he went. Just like Moscow Mitch should hear the chant “Moscow Mitch Putins B*tch” 24/7/365 for the rest of its life.

  1. If I still had a shotgun I’d delight in blasting that sucker to pieces. I do however possess some knowledge (some of which predates my time on active duty) that would allow me to give such a statue the kind of treatment it deserves but that’s something I shouldn’t go in to. However, if anyone from China happens to read/monitor this site I have a suggestion. Or a suggestion if they have dog parks in China where folks can let their doggies run free and play with other doggies. Put a two or three foot tall version of this in the middle of the park. With a sign stating “Vladmir Putin, Donor” – maybe that could be inscribed on the robe. Think about it. And what dogs do to fire hydrants and other objects sticking up in the middle of open space! Hell, in at least some places dog parks in the U.S. might want to install these things!

  2. Your words are much more on target …. this no-account has been focused on only ONE thing — himself …

    How much he can earn playing golf and NOT being a president, the next plan to cheat, steal, lie and ignore his huge failures, including the horrible deaths of thousands of innocent citizens from his lack of any intelligence and follow through …

    They should send one of these to MARS, painted orange, with a plaque that reads, finally, some peace and quiet away from the confines, clutter and clack of prison — Donald John Trump, the worst president of the United States – EVER …

    With a little reflector on its head the geeks could get a wink back from their powerful lasers …

  3. When ur government sanctions the murder of untold numbers of infant girls, I have only one word for ur generation of vipers…fuck you.

  4. I liked the Trump baby balloons. I’m sure he hated them. The Buddha figure is such a non-sequitur, I’m nonplussed. But, well. Maybe someone should do a series of Trump figures doing human things, petting dogs and cats, tying a child’s shoes, all unlikely events in the Trumpiverse. Those who know he would never do such a thing would get the joke. Maybe.


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