Wait for an explosion. I’m sure there will be one, but for right now Bobo is talking about other things than this on Twitter/X and she’s probably waiting for a call back from the lawyers. They’re probably explaining sad things like, “The truth is an absolute defense to defamation.” If you’re just now tuning in, CNN broke a bombshell story Friday morning depicting Lauren Boebert’s boorish, drunken behavior — no, not at Beetlejuice. This was three months post Beetlejuice, so clearly Boebert learned nothing, which seems to be her way. Here’s what has Twitter thumping this morning.

One tweeter posed the question, “How shitfaced and obnoxious do you have to be to get cut off alcohol at a Trump fundraiser?” Dunno, but it would certainly be interesting to find out. I wonder if Rudy was there that night? If he was still able to stand, walk, fart and function, that would tell you a lot about how much Bobo must have imbibed.

Bobo and Roseanne, making the case for high school dropouts everywhere. And, this provides an answer as to why Boebert missed the crucial debt ceiling bill — which she lied about. At the time she said, “No excuses: I was ticked off they wouldn’t let me do my job, so I didn’t take the vote,” Boebert said, going on to allege that the voices of individual House members had been stifled during the legislative process. “Call it a no-show protest, but I certainly let every one of my colleagues and the country know I was against this garbage of a bill.” That’s a lie. She was seen racing up the Capitol steps after the doors had been locked. She missed the vote, plain and simple, and maybe she was too drunk or hungover to even remember that it was taking place.

Being a Christian, you would think that since Boebert received life saving medical treatment that she would want the rest of us to have the same opportunity. Nope.

It’s small wonder that the kids have problems. Bobo’s ex-husband drinks to excess, at least this is what has been stated on police reports when the authorities have been called out to the Boebert home, and so does she. Generally speaking, if at least one parent has a foot on the ground the kids can turn out okay, but the four Boebert sons don’t seem to have that advantage.

What I would love to know is how Hubby Boebert got his incredibly high paying job. He is paid something like $478,000 yearly as a “consultant” in the gas industry, and I would love to know more details on what exactly he does to pull down that kind of an income. The best I’ve been able to find is that he has skills as a drilling foreman, so maybe that’s the specialized skill that justifies that kind of money.

Point being, for a couple of barely literate drunkards, the Boeberts have done quite well for themselves materially. Maybe ex-hubby can help Lauren get a job post politics. And that phase of her life cannot come quick enough.

The Colorado primary is in June. Let’s see what she ends up doing between now and then.

Her post was from about one hour before mine, so she knows what’s on Twitter. She’s deliberately not addressing the issue.

Please Colorado, make it stop. You’re the only ones who can do it.

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  1. Come on Lauren…stop playing the democrats’ game of respectability. You’ve a nice rack, butt, and a small waist…get a g string bikini, some spikes, and a pole, and go to work girl. Now that the owner of rape island was murdered in trump’s jail…it’s your turn to throw our puritanical bullshit hypocritical culture under the bus. Fire up those facists’ libidos and get PAID for your services in the backrooms of the gop. They’ll keep you around as long as the viagra holds out. In that scenario, being dumb as a rock works in your favor. Scotch and cigars all around. There’s more than one way to play a skin flute. Glad to help out.

  2. I’ve often said, Bobo is the passibly hot (in a dark bar) woman who you hit on assuming she’s a “sure thing”, only to have her get a few drinks in her and start mouthing off, causing you to have to throw down with a bunch of dudes she’s pissed off.

  3. She is an effing moron. I have a niece almost as bad, but she is an evangelical so she doesn’t even have the excuse of imbibing too deepky.
    Old joke:
    What’s the mating call of the Surgeon Bimbo?
    “I’m sooooo drunk!”
    Apparently it also works in TX and OK and CO.

  4. I wonder if the Secret Service was saving Trump from Bobo or saving Trump from himself? She’s wasted. What few inhibitions she might possess long gone if she was so drunk the bartender cut her off. Trump? Well, he’s a “star” and he’s made it clear what he thinks that entitles him to do. It’s not like she’s above mutual groping in public after all. I’ll bet people had their cell phones out looking to record a little “action” they could sell to some sleazy TV show. Hey, these are rich Trump supporters and you can be sure they’ve done plenty of sleaze and cheating for money.

    • Maybe you’re on to something. Maybe Bobo wanted to talk to Trump about being his VP. Trump could do for Bobo what he did for Mike Pence, which is save a dead political career. And I’m sure Pence didn’t have to screw him to get the gig.

      • I dunno Ursula. Sometimes there’s a closet gay man hiding inside a homophobe. Look what he did to the gay community when he was governor. Self hatred is a terrible thing.

  5. “ticked off they wouldn’t let me do my job”???? WTF? Your job bimbette is to VOTE ON LEGISLATION. Yea, Nay, Present, Abstain…voting in the H.o.R. is your f*cking job. No one held you back from using any of those four words or any others you’d care to use to express your feelings about a bill. IF someone actually prevented you from voting on a bill, why didn’t you file charges against them? Hmmmm? That is felony-level shit there toots. Not sure you can get any stupider here without seriously damaging your health due to a completely non-functioning brain.


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