Newsmax went around gathering birthday wishes for Donald Trump, surprisingly, in California. But they picked Huntington Beach, which is in lily white Orange County, a Republican stronghold, ala Ronnie Raygun and John Wayne. They even have an airport named after John Wayne. But even with picking a Trump-heavy enclave like Huntington Beach, Newsmax ran into predictable trouble.

The reporter probably profiled this woman as a MAGA, because she’s white, older, somewhat plain, but hey, buddy, I got news for you — that description fits plenty of Democrats and obviously it did this one!

Trump’s celebrating the big day at his golf club in Bedminster, where his sycophants are tweeting happy thoughts to him. Yes, Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, we’re talking about you.

I’d like to think his next birthday would be spent behind bars, but I have lost faith in justice in recent years.

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  1. “I’d like to think his next birthday would be spent behind bars, but I have lost faith in justice in recent years.”

    Ursula, I have a somewhat different destination for his next birthday (where he’s got roughly 6 feet of dirt between him and freedom) but, unfortunately, it seems like karma isn’t working any better than justice.

  2. Orange County is no longer lily white. Many Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans live there. But Huntington Beach is a hub of the Trumpistas. Thank goodness that woman isn’t one of them!


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