This is interesting for two reasons: First, it shows that a raw nerve got struck tonight when Donald Trump went down in flames in the Washington, D.C. primary and it’s always amusing when that happens and secondly, it shows once again that Trump can’t handle losing. Or, let’s restate that: he can handle losing, he’s been nothing but a loser his entire life, but he can’t simply admit to it. And that is truly amazing. In life, you see all kinds of competitions. Sports teams win and lose. Actors are nominated for various awards, some win, some lose. Politicians, certainly, know what it is to win and lose. In essence, to compete at any level is to win sometimes and to lose others. But not in the world according to Trump. In that fantasy vision, he only wins. He has never lost anything, ever.

The tweet ends, “RNC and her statement that she would NEVER run against President Trump (“A great President”). Well, she ran, she lied, and she LOST BIG!”

Again, the Child In Chief simply does not get it. And there’s no sense to try to explain it to him. In politics, especially at the presidential level, people may run against one another in primaries (say, Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama) and then they become allies and help each other down the road at a later time. One of the most moving speeches Obama ever gave was on the last night of the Democratic National Convention in 2016, where he said lovely things about Hillary.

Trump simply could never be a part of the President’s Club or a part of the politicians club, for real, meaning if he had started out running for County Commissioner or something and then worked his way up through the ranks. Because every single person who has done that learns how you survive in the political ecosystem and you can be both competitive without totally severing collegial ties. Smart people know that it’s not a good idea to make enemies in any walk of life, because you never know who’s going to show up where.

Here’s another bon mot from Trump.

The tweet ends, “opponent. The really big numbers will come on Super Tuesday. Also, WAY UP ON CROOKED JOE!”

And that moronic remark, and the way Trump is behaving generally these days, just underscores another fiction of his: he thinks he’s doing all this on his own. Just yesterday he said he was “getting rid of the Romneys.” Great. How did that work out for Kari Lake, getting rid of all of John McCain’s supporters in Arizona? Seems to me that bombed bigly, did it not? Just last month Lake extended the olive branch to Meghan McCain and Meghan said, “No peace, Bitch.” That seems definitive.

No, Trump believes that he and his die hard MAGA base are all that is needed. That’s not the case. But let him think so, by all means. That way, when the pathetic numbers start rolling in, he’ll have nobody to blame but himself for losing. Again. But of course he won’t.

And who knows? Maybe when all is said and done, he’ll reveal that he let Joe Biden win. That would be an interesting rationalization. I sure hope that we live to hear such a thing. That would be a howler.


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  1. He probably saw an opinion poll that showed he wasn’t going to win – so he stayed away because his fee-fees might be hurt to actually SEE somebody get m,ore votes than he did.


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