The Baldwin acting brothers have always driven the Trump family bonkers. Alec Baldwin, needless to say, became the thorn in Donald Trump’s side when he portrayed Trump on SNL. Trump hated him. But that’s not the first time that a Baldwin has clashed with a Trump. Don Junior and Billy Baldwin go back a few years. Junior likes to be the voice of moral clarity and Billy Baldwin, who knew Marla Maples from acting class, has set Junior straight in the past. Here’s the latest.

The rest of Baldwin’s tweet says, “dearly departed mother Ivana, now buried at a golf course, ever knew. Then he knocked her up and along came Baby Tiffany and the shotgun wedding. In closing I’d like to add that Daddy is on the #EpsteinClientList flight logs SEVEN TIMES… is he not?”

Again, this is not the first time those two have clashed. This is from 2017.

Junior is out of his league with Billy Baldwin. But then Junior is out of his league the minute he attempts to go outside the MAGA snowflake bubble. USA Today:

Trump took up with Maples, a beauty queen and aspiring actress, while still married to first wife Ivana, whom he divorced in 1992. Maples gave birth to their daughter Tiffany on Oct. 3, 1993, and the couple married on Dec. 20 of that year. They separated in 1997 and divorced two years later. Tiffany, now 24, began Georgetown Law School this fall.

In her book Raising Trump, Ivana said she knew her marriage to Trump was over by December 1989.

“This young blonde woman approached me out of the blue and said ‘I’m Marla and I love your husband. Do you?”‘ she wrote. “I said ‘Get lost. I love my husband.’ It was unladylike but I was in shock.”

I have trouble imagining any two females fighting over Donald Trump, but that’s me. I imagine that Trump gave Marla the same line of bull that he would eventually give Melania, about how he was a Master Of The Universe and uber powerful and had more money in the bank than God.

Speaking of Melania: Anybody seen Melania? She has been conspicuous by her absence on the campaign trail. Anybody want to make book on whether she’ll be with Trump at the Fox News Town Hall this week?

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  1. The kid who freaked out Musk with the “where’s Elon’s plane” stunt could start a “Where’s Melania” tracking thing for Twitter/X (tXixttter?) but “Mr. Free Speech” wouldn’t banish it and the kid.


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