Disinformation, meet propaganda. Propaganda, meet fiction. And all of you meet Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly who are going to supersede you all with a magical mystery speaking tour set to go forth December 11, to “provide a never before heard inside view of his [Trump’s]  administration.” We don’t doubt that that’s the case, it is being invented even as we speak. The Hill:

The series, dubbed “The History Tour,” will feature four live conversations across the country between Trump and O’Reilly in December.

The tour “will discuss exactly how things were accomplished, as well as challenges, both good and bad,” according to a press release announcing the series.

Trump in a statement said the conversations will be “wonderful but hard-hitting sessions” that will discuss the “real problems” occurring in the U.S.

“I will be focusing on greatness for our Country, something seldom discussed in political dialogue. If we don’t make our Country great again, we will soon no longer have a Country! I look forward to working with Bill, who right now has the #1 bestselling book, to openly discuss the real problems of our Country, and how to solve them,” Trump said.

“Additionally, it will be fun, fun, fun, for everyone who attends!” he added. […]

“My job as a historian/journalist is to get important things on the record in a fact-based way. These conversations with the 45th President will not be boring,” O’Reilly said in a statement.

The tour opens on Dec. 11 in Sunrise, Fla., and will then travel to Houston and Dallas. One of the conversation dates has not yet determined a venue.

A fireside chat with Donald Trump. An erudite and historical perspective on the Trump years, molded by the deep and substantive reasoning powers of Bill O’Reilly. Sounds like a real class act. And I’m fairly certain that that was how it was pitched to Trump, that this would be like JFK talking to Walter Cronkite back in the day about the Bay of Pigs, or some such.

And tell us, will Jared Kushner be there, too? To present his global vision and disclose the workings of his keen intellect as well? Thrilling times ahead in Trump word, no question about that.

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  1. Don’t forget to add anecdotes about Baby Donnie and Earache having great fun shooting any animal that doesn’t move fast enough

    • I know tweedle dumb-a*s shoots at any and every animal in a caged hunt but does tweedle dumber-f*ck also hunt? Learn something new every day I guess.

  2. It could just be me, but I find their image at the beginning, nauseating. The only person missing would be either Roger Ailes or Steve Bannon. Then you would have the most unattractive people in the world. It’s not just their outward appearance I mean, although that is pretty gnarly. I almost forgot, Rudy Giuliani. (sp?)

  3. Propaganda can push the narrative, but it can’t redefine the zeitgeist entirely. Try to hard, and it becomes parody that accomplished the opposite that is intended.

    Does anyone remember Pop-Up Video on VH1? (For that matter, does anyone even remember VH1??) They played music videos where text messages would frequently pop up, adding commentary on the history of the song or group, or adding context, or making jokes.

    We need an intrepid team to do a left-leaning pop-up video of this series, where the lies, misinformation and nonsense are refuted in real time.

    (Side note…can’t log in on Mac OS, which is why I used the guest feature. It just cycles forever trying to verify password)

  4. “hard hitting”? Is he making a joke? I know he says he doesn’t but there will be no response from him that will not be word salad if O’reilly asks anything harder than “what is your name, which daughter do you want to screw, and what do you do when your ball goes into the sand-trap”. And that last one might be a bit of a poser too.


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