Today was a definitive day in the Trump era and history will note it as such. It was, in many ways, a crossing of the Rubicon. The Republican frontrunner was represented by a lawyer who presented arguments which were called “specious” and that was the kindest thing said about them. They were illogical and absurd, to the point where thirteen minutes into his MSNBC broadcast tonight, Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out that lo and behold, “Donald Trump’s lawyer was arguing that today Joe Biden can order the assassination of Donald Trump and never be prosecuted for it if he is not convicted of it in a Senate trial.”

That’s a direct quote, folks. I’m going to post the entire January 9 O’Donnell show here and you can go to 13:00 and listen to it for yourself. O’Donnell had both Andrew Weissman and Glenn Kirschner on with him and I don’t know how any of them kept a straight face. The hearing today must have been incredible. Kirschner said he was in the gallery, George Conway stated earlier tonight that he also was there, and what a zoo. This is one show you will want to watch in full. This is the best and most comprehensive analysis of the circus that the immunity hearing was.

“Truth bombs, logic bombs, consistency bombs.” Yes, indeed. All those were dropped today. The fact that legal arguments so stupid are even being discussed at the appellate court level, much less in conjunction with the actions of somebody who is running to run the government that he tried to overthrow when he ran it before, because that’s the only way he can outrun the law (he thinks) just puts a black comedy spin on all this. I have no doubt that generations of Americans yet unborn will be howling at this period of American history — assuming that we don’t lose the entire ballgame right now and the democratic experiment ceases.

“it’s a ridiculous argument,” Laurence Tribe went on to say, and he opined that this panel of judges “Wouldn’t give the Trump argument the time of day.” Tribe also bottom lined it, “This entire idea of turning the impeachment judgment clause into a kind of magic wand makes no sense. Maybe he was the audience of one for the fast-talking John Sauer.”

“It’s quite clear that the lawyer was saying what Donald Trump wanted to hear,” Tribe went on. Bingo! That’s how it always is, now isn’t it?

I love it how Tribe went on to speculate how Trump could then have Seal Team Six kill all the senators and that way he couldn’t get convicted. You see how utterly asinine Trump’s argument is?

“No civilized society can work that way.” No, it could not. And the last thing Trump is advocating for is a civilized society when and if he gets back into office. Tribe also went on to say that, “This is what Donald Trump means when he says he intends to terminate the Constitution.”

Let’s see where the town halls in Iowa go. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis face off and Trump will be in a town hall of his own on Fox News. Let’s see if any of this is discussed or it’s just invisible elephant in the room time.

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  1. I just watched an interview of a woman with a bunch of kids and grandkids, who’s been on house arrest for three years and headed to prison for five years due to wielding an ice axe, and breaking windows at the capital. It’s on CNN. Did she learn anything or have regret about her violence? NO!!!! She made excuses, minimized her violence, and STILL believes that serial liar. The only thing she showed was self pity like SHE WAS THE VICTIM! I hope everyone realizes WE ARE DEALING WITH A VIOLENT CULT! Better get with reality. There are AT LEAST 76 million of these nazis. They cannot be turned around. They cannot be reasoned with. They are incapable of admitting THE PHUCKING TRUTH! Either we get radically charged to save our democracy or we’ll be facing the TRUMP DESPOT willing to destroy everything. WE cannot let this happen! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

    • I watched that interview too, Scott, and fully expected that woman to say that she’s seen the light, realised that she’d been a patsy, and maybe hoped for time off for angelic behaviour inside. But nope: full-blown MAGAt cultism on display. Sadly, she’ll be teaching her kids and grand-kids the same bullshit. I’d put money on her believing that Trump will pardon her if elected, and yes, he might, but he might not: she’s already outlasted her usefulness, in his narcissistic eyes.

  2. Ball’s in your court President Biden. Do the nation a very, very, large solid and order Seal Team Six to rid us of former guy. I cannot think of a better use for this team than to protect our nation from a wannabe dick…tator who’s a complete and utter moron to boot.

    If this was ordered by President Biden I suspect the magats might just start shitting themselves. And no, I realize President Biden would rather sic the team on himself instead of another American. A real pity.

    • President Biden is too good & decent a man to do this…. even to a piece of shit like DON THE CON. We have to hope someone in Homeland security or another branch of military interested in protecting the country from this TRAITOR might consider it. But it does make me wish for Joe bi Wan.

    • I beg to differ on MAGAs having ANY sort of learning experience. They are cult members AND they are willful in there refusal to not accept ANYTHING that doesn’t conform to their confirmation bias. Remember how they turned on fox news for telling them the truth that Biden won Arizona. They called FoxNees biased. They are not just cult members but have their fingers in their ears while they scream ‘lalalalala’ to ensure NOTHING gets into their brain.

  3. “I love it how Tribe went on to speculate how Trump could then have Seal Team Six kill all the senators and that way he couldn’t get convicted. You see how utterly asinine Trump’s argument is?”

    Don’t forget even if Trump is convicted by the Senate, he has the double jeopardy clause (another one of his arguments) to shield him from criminal prosecution. Yes, the idiocy is staggering.

  4. Yet Americans have been primed to think that inner-city Chicago is the crime problem. It’s like our believing that Hamas is Israel’s problem. That’s what Dr. Claudine Gay was told that.

  5. I listened to all those legal arguments on the Meidas Network as it was happening and I had a good laugh at TFG’s lawyer. Everything he said was out and out ridiculous! And the fact that he actually said it made me wonder if he really did go to Law School and which one it was, it would be one I would any serious person seeking an education in Law to avoid!

  6. It doesn’t matter what law school he got his degree from. What’s important is that he has recently taken refresher courses at the Donald Trump Law School.


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