Beverly Hills Insurrectionist Seeks to Withdraw Guilty Plea

Trumpy Bear made me do it

Beverly Hills salon owner and part time rioter Gina Bisignano is seeking to withdraw her guilty plea for obstruction of an official proceeding during the January 6th, 2021 insurrection protesting that she was high as a kite on the Devil’s own Weed and alcohol and thereby should not be held to account for her actions…


A Beverly Hills salon owner who was caught on video urging on other rioters breaching the Capitol building during the Jan. 6 insurrection is attempting to back out of part of her plea deal and withdraw a guilty plea to the most serious charge she previously admitted to.

Arguing that Gina Bisignano did not know a Senate hearing was taking place and had “smoked some marijuana and drank alcohol” prior to joining mob that breached the Capitol building, attorneys for Bisignano filed a motion on Friday asking a federal judge to allow her to withdraw her guilty plea for an obstruction charge.

Now, as many of you dear readers might suspect, your favorite diarist has found himself – entirely through no fault of his own – in the exact same predicament as Ms. Bisignano, high as forks on indo, gin and juice and looking for some trouble to get into. Fortunately for myself and a grateful nation, my maleficent meanderings lead me most often no further than than my trusty game controller or favored blog and not to the Halls of Congress where I climb…

“…onto the ledge of a windowsill, as several other people used various items — including a hatchet-style tool and a fire extinguisher — to break open the window.

While standing on the windowsill next to the broken window, Bisignano allegedly incited the crowd, yelling through a bullhorn “Everybody, we need gas masks! We need weapons! We need strong angry patriots to help our boys!” and “We the people are not going to take it anymore, you are not going to take away our Trumpy Bear, you are not going to take away our votes.”””

Nonetheless I am in incomplete sympathy with Gina-Bear whom, everywhere excepting perhaps in front of her make-up mirror, displays only the utmost of good sense and decorum:

And how is one to know that storming the nation’s Capitol, climbing onto a ledge, helping to break a window whilst trying to disrupt the certification of a Presidential Election,and perhaps incidentally, hang a Vice-President is illegal anyway?The laws on that sort of thing are just so ambiguous:

In the new motion, Bisignano’s attorney argued that the specific federal statute governing the obstruction charge she admitted to is ambiguous and claimed that prosecutors had coerced her guilty plea despite her indicating at the plea hearing that they hadn’t.

What’s a poor stylist to do?

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  1. I cited a quote at the beginning of a piece I posted a couple of days ago that I think is relevant here: “Be careful what you wish for!”

    This MAGAt is I believe listening to some bad legal advice. Maybe she and her lawyer took a look at what Mike Flynn pulled and figured it was worth a try. Well, for starters unlike Flynn she’s a political nobody and hers is a comparatively mundane case without anywhere near the political explosiveness Flynn’s had. Second, unlike Flynn there’s no safety valve in the form of a Presidential Pardon. (I think President Biden could use a good laugh every day and when the time comes putting the request in front of him will do the trick!)

    Most importantly prosecutors have got her dead to rights. So she made a deal and got some of the charges taken off the table. Now, I agree with many that the DOJ hasn’t moved as swiftly as it might have on many of these cases, and I’ve criticized AG Garland more than a few times. However, signs are there that he’s leaving it to the line prosecutors to make the decisions and increasingly we are seeing things get tougher for the seditionists. In this case, I suspect her saying “fuck you guys” and blowing up the plea deal won’t go over well.

    Rejecting the deal means prosecutors are free to (and I really hope they do) hit her with the whole smash. Charge every crime they’ve got her on. And remember, when someone rejects a plea deal any evidence they may have given to prosecutors to get that deal is back on the table. Having accepted the deal she gave up her right to have any self-incriminating evidence she gave excluded from her trial. If she wants to put everyone through the trouble of a trial then prosecutors will ask for the maximum on each charge once she’s convicted and as I said they have her dead to rights. “I was wasted on booze and weed” isn’t going to cut it as a defense. Especially not in DC where I’d imagine most if not all of the jurors has someone they know either get the book thrown at them when that’s tried or has a family member who has!

    Granted, as a “first offender” the sentencing guidelines won’t recommend the max allowed under law. A judge does however have the discretion to set aside the recommendation and revise the sentence they impose either up or down. Blasting her with the max as a punishment for her antics might provide grounds for appeal, but “only” moving up say a couple of years from the guidelines’ recommendation would hold up. I think. When the time comes for her to wear prison orange I hope someone organizes a postcard/letter writing campaign. So she will get at least one piece of mail EVERY DAY she serves beyond what she would have served if she stuck to her original plea deal. Yeah – I say make her suffer for being such an asshole!

    As far as I’m concerned every person who crossed the barricades on to the Capitol Grounds should get the maximum allowed under law. WTF did they think those barricades had been put up for? Between that and the police lines even the most dumbass of MAGAts had to know they were supposed to stay on their side of the barriers. And for those who actually entered the Capitol building, even if they didn’t bust doors and windows WTF did they think when they saw that those doors and windows had been busted? I’m no rocket scientist but even when I was in Kindergarten I’d have known I was going somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be going.

    One last thing. I’ve been on tours of public facilities including goverment/legislative places in my life. Real, guided tours. You know what? Never ONCE did the guide have us enter through a busted window (or door for that matter) and I’m goddamned sure even some asshat (IOW MAGA hat wearing) Trump fellator hasn’t either!

    • She faces up to 51 months in the deal she’s trying to blow up so I imagine she’s just bought herself at least that. Karma-bear.

      • Regrettably, she is not very likely to get anywhere near 51 months. None are so far getting their just deserts properly served to them. But the irony in all this fiasco is that she will lose the very thing she thought she was there to fight for? She will lose her “freedom bear” But weep not dear reader she can take her “trumpy bear” to jail with her?? Like everything else these perps think that is wrong, no one wants to steal their freedom and sure as sh*t nobody wants her useless lying stealing (gag) trumpy bear!!!!!

  2. That is just too blinking bad! You should have stayed at home. What you did was deliberate, maliciously planned and executed, and you knew damned well that what you were doing was totally illegal. It doesn’t matter what you ate or drank beforehand. You could have been eating pea soup or drinking tomato juice. You still were completely in control of your actions and could have stayed out in the street and just watched. You are guilty as charged and you should get the maximum sentence.


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