This is positively biblical, don’t you agree? Trump said, “Let there be TRUTH” all caps and with a great swelling of the orchestra and Gregorian chants, TRUTH Social was created. Here are the details on his Twitter substitute valued at $1.7 Billion already. It must be a little bigger than that WordPress site he had for a month.

Where are the doves and the cloud machine? We need to go full Busby Berkeley on this one.

Apparently you need an IPhone for this thing, so that leaves Android users out in the cold. Do MAGAs all own the more expensive phones? Seems to me like that might have been a tactical error, right there.

Hit this link and check out the Apple app stats.

And who is paying for this, you’re undoubtedly wondering? You’re not alone. ABC News:

According to the release, the company was formed using a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, which the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website says is a “popular vehicle for various transactions, including transitioning a company from a private company to a publicly traded company.” The SEC says these companies are often referred to as “blank check companies.”

It’s currently unclear who is behind the SPAC that is launching Trump’s new platform.

True to form. A “blank check” on somebody else’s account. Let’s see how it measures up. I’m betting it will join Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Airlines, I could on all night. You get the picture.


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  1. If this is not just more hype and hot air from Traitor Tot, it will be only be used to spread more lies and disinformation. Guess we could nickname it BullSh*t Central!

  2. I’d be surprised if this venture was worth 1.7 million. Maybe Trump doesn’t know the difference between B and M. Or maybe he was taking a dump when he typed out his missive on his phone – the B and M keys are pretty close together on keyboard and Trump ain’t exactly the best of typists as we all know. But even 1.7 million seems like a stretch. 175K is about Trump’s speed. And he’ll be furious that this thing doesn’t take off like a rocket.

  3. WELL, the name says it all … TRUTH, which means Trump can’t say anything there because all he knows to do is lie, every time his mouth is moving …

    One big lie after the other and he will be crucified by the well-versed pundits, I can’t wait for the fact crews to demolish his pipe-dream, like all the dirty water that flowed out of his sham projects mentioned by Ursula above … he has the rotund part sewn up to go with the slim chance it will survive more then one work week … {fat chance}

    His record of a know-nothing pretending to be the greatest at anything other than the biggest loser in history, the part he owns completely … should stop the check-writers after a few of his outlandish statements, naming names, like one of the greatest 4-star generals that passed from the virus, and Trump, being the finest A-hole that he is, has to belittle the General … someone should have slapped the potty mouth silly, a long time ago …

    I guess we should reference the Pillow guy, his wonderful, project on the web and his clear, message of TRUTH, going into a fade to black, exit stage left …

    Ursula, better keep close tabs on the buffoon’s latest project, see if it gets going before or after his 20 years-to-life in prison … I love that the special committee is putting the arm on witnesses from the 01/06 mess … the time lines are beginning to show who’s and when’s and some familiar names may find some time away from their private jets and yachts …

    • But here’s what it might actually accomplish (at least for some people): he’s redefining the word “truth” to be whatever he wants to announce. His very own Newspeak.

  4. ” idiot wind, blowing everytime you move ur mouth. Blowing down the backroads headed south. Ur an idiot babe. It’s a wonder u still know how to breathe.”
    Bob Dylan Idiot Wind

  5. I’d like to get kicked out too, but did you check the Apple apps? You have to have IOS 11 or later just to install the thing. My phone is waaaay Apple antique (7).

  6. This is totally unfair!!!!! My phone is Android!!!!! I am totally crushed!!!!! I wouldn’t join if Trump paid me a million dollars. Not that he has that much money.

  7. Getting hacked ALREADY isn’t this site’s only problem. I just read a piece by Gizmodo noting that it’s already being talked about on the net that Trump’s site stole code from Mastadon, which is apparently an open source site. Typical Trump sleaze and shortcut stuff. Have his tech people find an open source site, copy the code and make minimal changes and then claim it’s original. It would be deliciously ironic if, since from what I read Mastadon is known for being very secure that the Trump gang’s changes are what made his site vulnerable to hacking!

    Regardless, it’s another lawsuit Trump is looking at. Wonder how quickly his tech crew (that only did what he told them to do) gain “coffee boy” status!


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