Steve Bannon is pretty miffed these days. He’s got what the shrinks might call a free floating or generalized rage. A few short weeks ago Bannon was openly laughing at Mike Lindell for going back and taking another swing at the election fraud pinata, but today he’s got Lindell on the air and they’re discussing the Nazi tactics of the FBI in Colorado. Whut? Listen, it will make some kind of sense.

So as you gather, Lindell’s colleague Tina Peters’ home was raided by the FBI this morning and Lindell is weaving that into a sinister plot to take down his Thanksgiving marathon.

“This is to put fear into everybody! Look at the timing! Brainwashing! Hitler did it.”

But I really like the part about how the main stream media, including Fox News, won’t pay heed to this Thanksgiving marathon because they’re dedicated to hiding the story of Trump’s impending reinstatement.

Keep talking the crazy talk, Mike, and this will be your new theme song.


I think it’s a nice touch that the lettering is in orange. :))

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  1. There is a version of this I dream (hell – fantasize) about one day posting anywhere I can. A day when Trump has been in prison for a good six months or so. You saw the change in Manafort – you know it would be even worse for Trump! Imagine him with just (soft – so it can’t be made into a shank) comb and basic shampoo. And no hairspray or gel. That duckass combover will just be stringy clumps hanging down. It’s easy to see him losing a lot of weight no prison food – no more steak dinners topped off by “beautiful” chocolate cake for dessert. And his teeth? Imagine Trump having to use a basic, cheap manual toothbrush. It’s not hard to imagine his teeth starting to fall out.

    So, keeping all that in mind am I crazy to dream of someday posting this as a “tribute” to Trump:

  2. Fbi lol no one in this country has taken them seriously or given them any credibility sents Waco Texas. Also the only reason anyone would work for this agency is so they can be a pediphile.

    • Is this supposed to be snark? If not it’s pretty sad. I could spell better and also use grammar better back when I was in the first grade. Oh, and I also knew FBI was all caps – they were in the news a lot in the 1960s. Of course, being in my mid-sixties I was raised in a time when even small podunk towns had solid public education systems. And almost all parents pushed kids to work hard in school and get into the best colleges. Dreams of their kids going to an Ivy League school or a non-Ivy institution of comparable prestige (my dad would have moved heaven and earth to pay for me to attend the University of Chicago had I wanted to go there – and I could have btw) was common. Now we have tons of self-professed “real” Americans (Mer-ick-uh! Fuck yeah!) disdainful of higher education of any kind! WTF? So as I said, if your comment isn’t snark it’s a pretty fucking sad example of what’s out there in the country these days. Adults that are tragically misinformed, offering incorrect to the point of bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories that can’t even spell simple words or even use grammar that once upon a time grade schoolers had mastered.

      • Well, if some dipshit wants to come here and prove they’re a dipshit that’s their choice as long as they don’t go off the deep end with CT/disinformation etc.

        You surely know the old saying about it being wiser to sit quietly and be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt. Whether talking or typing some folks can’t resist the urge to prove to others they’re fools. But hey, I take my entertainment where I can find it and these goobers provide a little sometimes!


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