Maybe the DNC should send Donald Trump a fruit basket as a token of appreciation for providing them with ad fodder which is priceless. Trump puts his idiocy out there in the street like no other politician before him. Nobody, no screenwriter or novelist anywhere could make up a character anything like him — with the exception of Kurt Vonnegut. Trump is a character of such utterly improbability that he could only exist in the world of Vonnegut. Possibly Douglas Adams.

I mourn that Vonnegut isn’t here to see this day and kick in his two cents. I also feel the same way about George Carlin. Vonnegut passed in 2007 and Carlin in 2008. The world was still normal. I’m quite sure neither of these artists and cultural arbiters had any idea that less than ten years after their deaths America would plunge into this level of cultural crisis, with this kind of a clown running again for the nation’s highest office. Here’s his latest.

His stance on Merry Christmas is a lot like his stance on abortion, a matter of convenience, not conviction.

And while we’re at it, this holiday season, let’s revisit lovely Melania’s views on fukkking Creesmuss.

I have often wondered what “the keed reunited with the mom,” means, followed by her tearful “they will not do the story.” If anybody knows what she’s talking about, would you share it with the rest of the class here, please?

It’s always struck me as hyper hilarious that hubby kvetches over the War On Christmas and wifey says, “Who gives a fuck about Christmas.” Again, if you wrote this in a script, nobody would believe it. It’s too improbable. But not if you’re a Trump.

Since we spoke of George Carlin earlier, here’s a little Xmas present. This is seven minutes of Carlin holding forth on how we’re barely out of the jungle on this planet. The fact that we’re even here talking about Donald Trump for the past seven years underscores just how accurate Carlin’s observation was, so many years ago.

My idea of heaven is that Charlie Pierce will have a shebeen where it’s never last call. And I’ll be able to sit there and chat with Pierce, George Carlin, Jimmy Breslin, Kurt Vonnegut, a plethora of wonderful writers and thinkers that I could name and we’ll be figuring out a way to play the equivalent of Clarence the Angel in It’s A Wonderful Life and come down and straighten this joint out. Just a dream.

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  1. Actually I would believe that the Donald never read ‘Mein Kampf’.
    The reason for that belief is simple – neither Classics Illustrated nor anyone else ever did an illustrated, condensed version and Mein Kampf has a lot of big words (and is more than a handful of pages)

    • I agree with those who say he’d never read a book, much less something that involved. What he WOULD do is have someone with his beliefs make a crib sheet of the most relevant parts to tuck inside. A “One Pager” type thing. And maybe take a highlighter to the “juiciest” parts in the actual text so he could flip through it knowing he could just look for some paragraph or sentence that was highlighted in yellow.

    • You forgot it also doesn’t mention him by name in every sentence like his daily intelligence briefs. But I do think he read it right around the time he blew through his daddy’s money and got into money laundering. I imagine he plodded through it, very, very slowly, like a first-grader, skipping over the big words. When he got to the end, months or years after he started, he felt his education was complete and never read another book, article, or anything else longer than a tweet. That’s how we got the stupid, orange, rapist half-Hitler we enjoy today.

  2. Carlin’s comment about semi-evolved with ballcaps and semi-auto weapons is something he’d now say as “not even semi-evolved dumbasses with MAGA hats and assault weapons.”

  3. Larry Niven could write it. Spider Robinson. Christopher Stasheff. Hell, Heinlein.And Trump has definite Emperor Palpatine vibes, so toss in Lucas and Abrams.


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