There’s a sucker born every minute, and two to take advantage of him   PT Barnum

This is so damn intoxicating that I can’t stop giggling as I write this article. Currently the media is having a field day with the fact that Donald Trump just had to sit through 4.5 hours of deposition testimony in a 2015 case accusing him of liability when his chief goon, Keith Schiller roughed up some anti Trump protesters in front of Trump Tower. He may have to depose again as he refused to answer several questions in his first appearance. The media gleefully points out that this is just one of at least ten civil suits that he is scheduled to be deposed in for his past misdeeds.

But if the reporting is true, he may soon have another deposition to add to his schedule. Rachel Maddow broke this on her show tonight. People who watch MSNBC are probably familiar with the name of Mimi Rocah. She is a former US Attorney and MSNBC legal analyst who was a popular guest. But not anymore. These days she’s the District Attorney for Westchester, New York, And right now DA Rocah has Donald Trump firmly in her sights for, what else, tax fraud.

If there is one thing that we all know by now, it is that Donald Trump is not a linear thinker. He is purely transactional, and the problem with that is that you don’t have any apparent pattern to your thought, you just flop like a trout in a creel as the situation requires. And when laws are involved, this can be a real problem.

The investigation centers around Trump’s Trump National Golf Course in Westchester, New York. In congressional testimony, Trump fixer Michael Cohen testified that Trump regularly fluctuated the value of his properties in various filings, in order to get better loan rates, as well as insurance rates and tax abatements. And the problem for Trump this time is that there is a paper trail. On official government letterhead.

In 2016, the Westchester county tax assessor came out for a tour, and valued Trump’s golf course at $15 million dollars. His Lowness threw a typical Trumper tantrum, filing an appeal that the property was only worth a paltry $1.4 million. While the issue was under dispute, Trump paid taxes on $1.4 million.

But here’s the McGuffin. In 2017, as President, Trump filed his first federal assets disclosure. In that disclosure, Trump claimed the value of his Westchester golf club as being in excess of $50 million dollars. And every year since then, Trump has protested his Westchester county real estate tax assessment claiming a property value of $1.4 million, while reporting the property on his federal forms as being worth in excess of $15 million dollars.

Westchester DA Mimi Rocah must be droowling right now. Both of these things can’t be true at the same time. Trump is telling the Westchester county tax assessor that his property is only worth $1.4 million, and paying taxes on that amount, while telling the federal government that his golf club is worth in excess of $15 million dollars. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. This is going to be fun to watch play out.

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  1. He really has a talent for shooting himself in both feet, probably a sorry patch of hamburger on each stub …

    With the former CFO money man playing games with Trump’s money on two sets of books, and now THIS affront to Trump’s massive stupidity … His paperwork was released to the courts recently, wouldn’t a normal person roll back his obvious scams to prevent this new threatening person from doubling down on his guilt?

    Trump’s just going to have a terrible time starting up his new TRUTH crap website, being a criminal against the States as well as the Federal government, takes so much time …

  2. So why doesn’t Westchester County make an Eminent Domain purchase, applying a “super-generous” 100% premium to the stated value, and buy the course for $2.8 Million?

  3. Trump’s pulling the typical property owner’s song-and-dance routine. Every year, tax boards across the country send out property appraisal notices and tell the owners how much tax they’re going to owe based on that appraisal. And every year, you get people who either scream when their appraisals are valued too low because that affects a potential selling price or scream when their appraisals are valued too high because that means they have to pay more in taxes. (Most people seem to accept the appraisals and pay their taxes but you do get those angry folks who insist on fighting the matter tooth and nail. Sounds like Trump’s in that same place.)

  4. NYT’s 2018 expose documented how Don the Con did the same with every one of his NY properties. Looks like when Kathy Hochul was appointed NY Governor after Andrew Cuomo stepped down, Hochul called off the dogs against the Trump Crime family – since all of Tish James criminal & civil tax fraud cases against TFG seem to have completely ground to a halt with the 5 year statute of limitations for pursuing penalties on some of the violations about to expire. Glad to see that at least the Westchester County, NY DA is moving forward. Surprised no mention here of the Trump Crime Family’s other Westchester County tax fraud case regarding his Seven Springs estate: Don the Con illegally claimed this as his live-in residence to reduce taxes; and also illegally undervalued for tax payment purposes while similtaneously valuing millions higher to banks for loan applications.

    God Bless Michael Cohen!

  5. I’ve sat thru a 6 hour deposition, & had done nothing to warrant the suit. I won. However, having every breath recorded while attorneys did what attorneys do is like having ur body shaved with a dull knife. Going 4.5 hours without a big Mac? No Kentucky fried chicken? God, that had to be torture.

  6. The Producers with Nathen Lane and Matt Broderick always comes to mind. “These are the books to show to the IRS, These are the books not to show to the IRS”. Maybe trump can put on a broadway show from prison.


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