If you are like me and believe that there has been active communication back and forth between Putin to Trump (Perhaps through proxies), from the very beginning, in 2016, when it appeared Trump would win the GOP nomination, and continued from there, it is easy to see why Trump would hate the intelligence community from the beginning. This is the guy, after all, who tried to establish a backchannel to Russia in December of 2016. Why did he need to go around American intelligence?

First, he had to know that he’s been watched for decades. After all, he’d been dealing with the Russians since the early 1980s, allowing anonymous cash purchases of condos in Trump Tower to Russians. He visited Moscow during the Cold War. He loves Russian women and shares the Russian taste for gaudy extravagance. The Russian relationship had been cemented for decades. He would have to fear that our intelligence community knew things… And Putin, being an intelligence officer, could easily manipulate that fear by noting (again, perhaps through indirect channels), “Donald, your intelligence community will do all it can to undermine you because of your relationship with Russia, and they like to be powerful anyway…” (Same thing with NATO, “Donald, the NATO countries are laughing at the U.S. because they basically get national defense for free…”)

Never mind that it was James Comey who put Trump in the White House by announcing that perhaps there were Hillary emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Trump is so terrified of the FBI/CIA/NSA right now that he’s very busy laying the groundwork for his defense against possible charges (Back to what he was doing with the files):

Today, he wrote on Truth Social:

Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our “Intelligence” lowlifes. My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?

Interesting. McGonigal was the counter-intelligence officer for the NYC FBI, and he wasn’t arrested by Barr, McCabe, or anyone in the Trump administration. In the end, the McGonigal case was about accepting $200K, and it looks as though it was payment to look the other way as Deripaska moved money into the U.S. McGonigal could have been protected by Trump.

Of course, that’s not the focus here. The focus is that, once again, Trump is more than willing to align with people who will protect him over Americans, especially those who might not. Putin tosses people off buildings. With the number of times Trump has fcked up, one wonders whether it ever once occurred to Trump that Putin is the type that would throw him off a building if it suited him, whereas Jim Comey would not?

It’s not worth deep thought. In fact, it couldn’t be more superficial. Our Manchurian candidate tells us he’s the Manchurian candidate, and yet 40% of Americans would elect him right now, today.

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  1. TFG is an absolute fool for trusting Putin. I’m sure Putin would turn on him in a heartbeat, if it suited him. (without blinking)

      • Pootie IS getting something from Trump – the support of the MAGA goobers. It wasn’t until Trump rose to power than you had significant numbers of Americans who liked Russia. Of course, one of the largely untold & unknown stories that developed long before Trump got into politics was that Pootie/Russia had been quietly cultivating RWNJ “Christians” and gun nuts in this country, both with donations and flying leaders to Russia to “prove” to them how much more “rights” Russians had when it came to guns (I’m not kidding – he sold it and they bought it hook, line & sinker) and “religious freedom” which of course meant all the freedom you wanted as long as you were Russian Orthodox and followed the dictates of his PAL who is that gang’s version of The Pope. So the fields were well fertilized and seeded when Trump came to power.

        And suddenly GOPers who once proudly believed “I’d rather be dead than Red” suddenly, because their fake-gold idol told them Pootie was “the man” (after himself of course) suddenly changed attitude and became “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat” assholes! I have zero doubt that with all Trump’s troubles including financial ones Pootie has gotten word to Trump he’d better keep throwing fertilizer on the “support Russia” crop the two of them grew. For all the talk about those hundreds of millions of kinda legitimate bank loan’s ballon payments finally about to come due, there’s a whole lot more that Pootie and his pals the Oligarchs have outstanding with him.

        The rumblings in Congress and not just from the KKKazy KKKaucus in the House about cutting support for Ukraine didn’t just happen. These people are there, or if already there when Trump came along now empowered by him to try and if not cut off support for Ukraine at least throw sand in the gears and a critical time is upon us. The next three to six months are going to be huge, and setting up the framework for beyond by swapping out old Russia gear & heavy weapons for NATO stuff is well underway. Pootie needs Trump to rally his MAGA goobers to pressure their Congress Critters to massively cut back on suppport for Ukraine.

        So, what happens? Trump makes this kind of statement!

        Sadly, he IS still useful to Pootie.

    • 45’s not a fool. A witting asset. He’s owned by Putin. He and his followers (remember the two old douches who had on I’d rather be Russian than Democrat?) are traitors to this country and democracy. Let’s start calling them out.

  2. 40% of Americans or whatever the number is, are traitors pissing on every grave of every solider who died to protect democracy. They need to be called what they are: nazis.

  3. Everyone should read Thom Hartmann’s piece on daily kos. He outlines how barr help the two bushes, Reagan, and trump commit treason and cover up their crimes, and steal elections by doing so. Now we know, since the FBI agent in charge was also bought off by the same oligarch that paid manafort, why Trump wasn’t charged for 10 counts of obstruction and witness tampering the Mueller report documented. No evidence? I’ve been slammed here by the refrain Where’s the evidence? Well …There’s plenty of evidence he should already be charged with crimes and that was before the 11,000 documents, he refused to turn over!!!! Anyone who believes otherwise is blind deaf and dumb. Some unfortunately have a generous regard for the white rich powerful men to walk, and are comfortable with a country lying about our values. 4% of the world’s population and 20% of the incarcerated…except for people like barr and trump.

    • I wrote a substack article on that arrest being far more damning for Trump than the FBI. The guy was paid $220K to look the other way as Putin’s best friend Deripaska moved money in and out of the country.

    • I read that article and it is chilling and depressing. I knew some of it but the depth and criminality of what took place is mind numbing. It also makes me understand why the R’s are now bashing the intelligence community – all their dirty little secrets may come out and their “moral majority” “christian” “party of the rule of law” BS will be exposed for the immoral crap fest it is and has been for decades.

  4. Pootie already owns the RNC. Remember the gang that went to Russia on the 4th of July a few years back? Now listen to how many are defending Russia’s genocide in Ukraine. The party has done a complete flip flop from what they were 30 years ago.

  5. Trumplethinskin doesn’t trust Putin. Instead he’s mortally terrified of Putin – specifically Putin’s FSB agents & Odessa-Russian Mob hitmen under Putin’s control. He’s terrified what they will do once he, Putin’s Puppet, is no longer of any value to Putin, especially being violently sadistically tortured and whacked to keep him from speaking about all the secret US intel he has passed to Putin through a chain of agents. The Orange Cheetoh still phones Putin about 1x per week – usually from the middle of one of the greens of a golf course to receive his latest marching orders. Putin owns Don the Con originally through the billions he owes Putin’s Kremlin oligarchs from failed Trump Tower Moscow. TraitorTrump is running for re-election is so he may continue to campaign & scam his cult followers out of their contributions so he can continue to pay back Putin. Cadet Bone Spurs hates Putin as much or more than all the other people he loves to disparage in public, but even if he were to pay off 100% of his debt to Putin, Crooked Donald would still be under the thumb of Odessa. He’s an “initiated” member and the only way to exit Odessa is by death. Also, paranoid Putin would continue to be very concerned about Impotus’ loose lips, so as long as Putin is alive (which likely won’t be much beyond the end of 2023 due to his advancing cancer and Parkinsons), Benedict Donald will be in steady fear & mis-trust of Putin and his people.


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