No doubt feeling remorseful about releasing the incontinence video of the Orangeutan sporting what looks to be a bedpan strapped to his ass for all the world to laugh at (Christ, Hannityjob, Mar-A-Lardo didn’t have an armchair laying around for the idiot to squat in?) Sean Hannity attempted last night to make amends by retweeting an article that originated in The Daily Mail (which I link to here in case you want to see more of Hunter 😳😳😳) as if Hunter’s antics are in any way relevant to… well… anything.

As one might imagine, the water slides with hookers tweet was not received with the outrage Hannity might have hoped for:

I don’t know either, Martina, looks like Hunter has nothing to hide in the photos…

… Trump, on the other hand…


More than he’ll admit to, I wager.


That’ll leave a mark.

Hey, Emm, not fair, Hannity was obviously doing background for a report!


He’s gotta show he is trying tho…



At least Hunter isn’t posing with murdered animals.

But Hunter’s method seems like more fun



Did someone say Matt Gaetz?

Right on, Jeff!



Well, his boss plays with Monopoly Money anyway…

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.

Gotta love that lineup…

Give it up Sean, when it finally dawns on drumpf that your camera guy was the one who outed the Diaper Don, you’ll really be in for it.

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  1. The obsession with Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary’s emails is ridiculous. Red herrings to deflect attention from the incontinent guy who committed real crimes.

  2. Soooooo, Hunter goes down a water slide naked. Real curious what the problem is here because aside from the perv who took the pic of the activity, I see nobody else there. Again, what’s the problem here? Does hannity know about nudist colonies-that they exist and are legal? Does this water slide exist in one of those? Don’t know. What I do know is this: if what Hunter did was illegal, you can bet your ass the po-po would have been called in. Since diapers did not bring that up, I have to assume what Hunter did was perfectly legal.

    In an era where men and women walk down the streets of various cities in Florida with next to nothing on, what in the fuck is the problem with naked water sliding? Honestly, diaper’s fat ass on hannity’s interview was more obscene.

      • OK – let’s forget the pay off to Stormy Daniels (proven to have occurred). Where is there evidence that Hunter Biden ‘hired’ hookers at $4K a night?

        As for ‘selling off’, how much did the Trump clan rake in over four years (from the bribes (sorry, rentals) in the Trump Washington hotel to Ivanka’s ‘Chinese patents’)?

        Oh and let’s not forget all the flights in Air Force One so that Don John could go play golf (including the one where he slipped away from an international conference to play golf in Ireland – and promptly stiffed the Irish cops well over a grand for ‘supplying’ the ones on guard duty at Doonbeg for soft drinks and sandwiches). Oh and when Don Jnr and Eric ‘bought a round of drinks’ at the local pub, before vanishing and telling the owner, “Send the bill to the golf club”

      • Grassley is a dried up old dinosaur who has jumped on the mango train so he can die in his seat. He’s been doing a lot of lying lately.
        I don’t know why I’m bothering responding to you. It’s obvious you’ll believe anything that will get your anger pumped.

          • “A video based on actual events that took place.”

            So, it’s NOT real, but rather a movie or documentary? And THAT is the hill you wish to die on?

            As for that “truth” you mentioned earlier, you do realize that films tend to, um, play a little bit with actual events in the name of entertainment. And documentaries frequently get slammed for “pushing an agenda.” (Of course, if Dinesh D’Souza’s involved there’s less “playing” with actual events and completely making a story fit his agenda–whether it’s a “work of fiction” or a “documentary.”)

      • Why on earth would I trust anything grassley says? Or for that matter, anything coming from the cons (called “cons” for obvious reasons)?

        You want to know why I read Kos, listen to NPR, or watch Washington Week? Because everyone makes mistakes but those outlets, and others like them, OWN UP TO THEIR MISTAKES. You want to know when faux nuz owns up to their mistakes (and they make MANY although intelligent people know they are lies)? When they are forced to because otherwise they look like complete morons. That is one way to choose what media you get your information from. Again, everyone makes mistakes. Those who actually care to report the happenings in the world AS THEY ACTUALLY ARE, own up to their mistakes immediately upon learning they made them.

        Needless to say I stay away from social media because there is absolutely no way to verify the veracity of what shows up there. I assume, with good reason, anything coming from social media is a lie, is created from whole cloth. Social media is where you can find created videos of things that never occurred. Where you find computer generated images made into created (i.e. fake) videos. These are found now in f.b. and other social media outlets. You get your information from f.b. It is quite obvious if only because of the very poor quality of what you submit up to and including your little video.

        You do not know how to research anything. You are incapable of such a thing. Should you ever want to ACTUALLY do some REAL research I suggest you take a few lessons from Ms. Gamble-Spadaro, LMT. She puts it quite succinctly:

        Did you compile a literature review and write abstracts of each article?
        Did you collect a random sample of sources and perform and perform independent probability statistics on the reported results?
        Did you take each article/video one by one and look into the source, then critique them for logical fallacies, cognitive distortions, and plain inaccuracies?
        Did you ask yourself why this source might publish these particular results?
        Did you follow the references and apply the same scrutiny to them?

        We both know the answer to all of these questions: it is a resounding “No”.

        Now not everyone who peruses this site is well educated but I would think most have at least some college and many probably at least four years of it. Those who have those four years or more of a solid university education know how to do research. There are very few, if any, degree programs that would not require a major research project for graduation. We do see a few however who barely made it through a poor secondary education and you are a prime example. People like you see something on f.b., hear something from some R.W.N.J. show, and without even considering the source let alone doing anything approaching research, you buy into it. If you would do even the most basic, simple research you would see the the nonsense for what it is: lies being told to influence people who don’t know any better and have no desire to know much of anything.

        BTW, if you are not ashamed/embarrassed yet, you should be. You have proven for everyone on this site that you can be taken for a fool by people who see your type a mile off and know they can make you believe the most asinine garbage they can come up with (and even better-they can relieve you of your money in the process). The people who make up the q idiocy knew there is a moron born every minute and they are the low-hanging fruit ripe for the plucking. You are one of those pieces of low-hanging fruit.

        • The movie explains all this. Are you too scared to watch because of what you’ll find out that you don’t like? I agree, you shouldn’t trust anything but I’m not going to your research. So it’s OK for other people to post video’s but mine is 100% fake? Well looks like you need to watch and research the parts you think are not right so next time you’ll be prepared instead of bitching like a little girl.

    • I’m with you Spike. That water slide looks like fun and in my younger day, I would have done it in the buff too. I did go down one in a bathing suit and when I got to the end, a boob was out and I lost my virginity a second time from the wedgie.

      • Sounds familiar Rainyj-I think I was on the same slide…or maybe they all make us lose our suits (took me a bit of some pretty embarrassing time to find my trunks). lmao


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