Arizona Republican Running for Senate Blames Gun Violence on “Black People, Frankly.”

Mmmm, no.

Tech investor and Arizona Republican Senate hopeful Blake Masters has solved the problem of white men and boys shooting up schools, malls, hospitals and pretty much any local that contains unsuspecting victims, and he is frank about it… it’s the fault of black folk.


“It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly,” Masters clarified. “And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.”

No, Blake, gang violence, while a pressing social problem that absolutely needs to be addressed, is not in any way a factor in the nauseating wave of mass shootings perpetrated by primarily white males plaguing the country, in fact, in the totality of gun violence statistics, it is not really such a big factor at all.


“Researcher John Lott stated that the U.S. has a high homicide rate compared to other developed countries because of “drug gangs.”

Contrary to Lott’s repeated claim that the U.S. has a relatively high homicide rate because of “drug gangs,” most gun homicides are not related to gang activity. According to the National Gang Center, the government agency responsible for cataloging gang violence, there was an average of fewer than 2,000 gang homicides annually from 2007 to 2012. During roughly the same time period (2007 to 2011), the Federal Bureau of Investigation estimated an average of more than 15,500 homicides annually across the United States, indicating that gang-related homicides were approximately 13% total homicides annually. The Bureau of Justice Statistics finds the number of gang-related homicides to be even lower. In 2008, the government agency identified 960 homicides, accounting for 6% of all homicides that year.

According to the Federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), there was a 3% increase in the number of gangs between 2010 and 2011, but gang-related homicides decreased 8% during the same period. If gang violence was truly driving the homicide rate, gang membership and gun homicide rates would move in the same direction.”

But why on earth would Mr. Masters claim something that is demonstrably untrue?

… Masters, whom the white nationalist website VDARE fêted last year as an “immigration patriot,” was quite clear about his vision of two Americas. Republicans frequently cite urban gang violence, most often in Chicago, in attempts to tap out of the gun control debate. While their redirections are often as misleading as they are cliche, those officials aren’t always as forthright as Masters about the racial undertones.”

“White Nationalist Website”

Oh, I see…

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  1. Tell me again how many black people have taken an AR-15 and murdered groups of unsuspecting innocent people in church, groceries, malls, theaters and children in schools? More racist lies and dog whistles. This guy is disgusting.

    • That’d be zero. People of color in this country tend NOT to be domestic terrorists.

      I notice MSM is apparently very loath to call a spade, a spade. Until these terrorists (i.e. white supremacists, x-tian extremists, etc.) have the label “domestic terrorist” applied to their groups, particularly when they commit acts of terrorism, they will continue to be the largest problem facing our country. See if they are labeled as terrorists, which they are, congress and the various and sundry federal agencies will have no choice but to attempt to fix this terrorist problem. Of course the ‘pubes will do everything in their power to prevent the greatest threat to our nation from being fixed.

  2. I find it amazing that a member of Congress cannot read; and more, he cannot have a staffer read to him. No wonder he thinks Americans cannot read; clearly the Republican education mandate is failing to keep the “no reading” segment in order. I’ll bet he thinks the book bans work too.
    My problem is figuring out which are republicans who are terrorists.


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