Ted Cruz, Concerned for Your Child’s Safety, Bravely Proposes Banning Doors.

As good a reason as I’ve seen for banning doors.

Ted Cruz. All I can think of when I see his stupid face is the old Dylan lyric:

“Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You’re an idiot babe, it’s a wonder that you still know how to breath.”

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  1. Given just how effing stupid Cancun, Howler, etc. are I am guessing one obtains a law degree by mailing in box tops from cereal boxes. Just when you think Cancun has reached the bottom of the well of stupidity that is within that disgusting brain of his, he manages to dig a deeper well.

    Of course there are the voters who think this moron should actually BE in the senate….

  2. Former school librarian.
    We need steel.doors with no windows. Doirs,are open for entry and exit and otherwise locked from.The inside which dies not interfere with recess,,fire drills or evacuations. A peephole to identify anyone coming g in while school.is in session. One officer is not enough. You need at least two, one to.patrol,one to.monitor the door fro. his office right next to the main door. It at least makes it harder to get in. No reason to be at the school? Not apparent or designated person to pick up a kid? You don’t get in.
    And these cannot be glorified security guards. They must be current or retired cops with training g in mass,shooting gs. Their job is to take out the shooter while the office spreads the word. And they should act immediately, not wait for backuo. If they aren’t capable of shooting an attacker, they shouldn’t get the paycheck. If I 25, unarmed, a school librarian, 6inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter) could take a knife away from.a just hot high psychopath with a record, why cannot these guys do their job?

    • Seriously not trying to throw any shade here, but, um, hon, if you really were a “former school librarian,” I can see why you’re a “former” librarian and am utterly astonished you got the job in the first place.
      I apologize if you were using some kind of voice-to-text software but I feel your comment should be thrown back at ANYONE who challenges the education our current students receive when a “former school librarian” can post such a comment riddled as it is with so many spelling and grammar errors.
      As to your entire second paragraph (as best as I could understand it), do you REALLY want armed security guards just acting “immediately” without FULLY understanding the situation. We already see the glorious job (sarcasm definitely intended) that “current” cops do when it comes to crisis situations in the outside world (typically letting heavily-armed white guys go about their day while shooting little Black boys playing with toy guns) so you’ll forgive me if I DON’T want to see current cops–or even their retired brethren*–being on school grounds with guns or rifles.

      *I’d want every retired cop to be put through as much of a background check–especially their police service record–as new teachers get. A single incident where the retired cop was involved in a shooting incident, and EVERY SINGLE DETAIL is combed through to ensure the shooting was not some kind of “Well, I thought he had a gun and I was in fear for my life/safety” matter. I’m fed up with cops who get away with murder because the snowflake was scared for HIS life. He signed up to be a cop; he should’ve been made fully aware HIS life was not paramount. Your job as a cop is to save OTHER people and do it within the confines of the law (and I’m tired of police departments that spend more time protecting their own from a “bad rap” than making sure bad cops get weeded out).

      • Thank you, Joseph. I was going to ask her if she’d ever heard of proof-reading. Too many people just shoot off their writing without ever giving it a second look or read-through. It’s crazy making trying to read and understand with all the typos and chopped up/mixed up phrasing.


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